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Policeman Mr. Gay UK


JUB Addict
Dec 13, 2003
Reaction score
We always knew these policemen and firemen were HOT!

PC strips off uniform to become Mr Gay UK

01.10.06 Add your view

Carter said his main reason for entering the competition was to 'change the public perception of the stereotypical gay man'

A policeman has been crowned Mr Gay UK after parading in his uniform and stripping in his underwear to secure the title.
PC Mark Carter, 23, who had the full backing of West Yorkshire Police, said he was "over the moon" after picking up the award, billed as the male equivalent of Miss Great Britain.
He is expected to have a year of personal appearances and photo shoots ahead of him after beating off 25 other contestants in the final at Blackpool's Flamingo Club to win £5,000 worth of prizes.
He said: "Two years ago I used to cry myself to sleep at night, I was so daunted by the prospect of coming out, but when i did, it was the best thing ever.
"I was so happy I could finally be myself. I thought telling people I was gay would mean no one would want to know me, but at the Mr Gay UK final, I had more people together, supporting me, in one place than I've ever had in my life."
The policeman, who lives in Bradford but works on patrol in Huddersfield, had earlier told how his main reason for entering the competition was to "change the public perception of the stereotypical gay man."

Rest of the story: off uniform to become Mr Gay UK/
There wasn't much competition this year as they were all prettty ugly.
He's going to get boyed at work, and probably by anyone he tries to arrest etc.. Gutted!
yeah, I find him really hot and a really good role model for gay guys.
Is it just me or have all of the contestants on mr gay UK been complete dogs, both past and present?
Is it just me or have all of the contestants on mr gay UK been complete dogs, both past and present?

Tongue_Me dear, you were watching crufts again. Mr Gay UK is on Channel 325.

Good luck to PC Carter when he next does his next night-time patrol amongst the drunken, inbred troglodytes of Yorkshire. Desk job for the next few months Cuntstable??
Is it just me or have all of the contestants on mr gay UK been complete dogs, both past and present?

I think he is pretty cute, but what really interests me is the support he is getting from his fellow officers. I can tell you it will be a cold day in hell before it happens in the US.

Police force shows support for officer crowned Mr Gay UK

Mr Gay UK Mark Carter (left)
with Richard from Big Brother
A police force showed its support today for a 23-year-old officer who has been crowned Mr Gay UK.
Huddersfield bobby Mark Carter saw off competition from 24 rivals to take the coveted title at the Flamingo Club in Blackpool over the weekend.
Pc Carter has been with West Yorkshire Police for nearly two years and patrols Huddersfield and the surrounding areas.
Superintendent Nigel Hibbert from Kirklees Division said: "It's a great achievement and we are all proud of Mark. He's done very well and we are pleased that he has won."