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Project Runway 3

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I want to believe
50K Posts
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
San Antonio
Yeah, I know its early... But who else here is ready for Project Runway Season 3? :=D:

The new season begins July 12 and I'm already dying to watch it! But it's still more than a month away... rats. :mad:
what a pr thread, that i didnt start?...
too excited... sadly, i have it marked on my calendar.
shouldnt they release the contestants pics soon... for season 2, they were released a while before the show started
hey dan, are those space pants?
j_west said:
what a pr thread, that i didnt start?...
too excited... sadly, i have it marked on my calendar.
shouldnt they release the contestants pics soon... for season 2, they were released a while before the show started
hey dan, are those space pants?

Why does it not surprise me that you'd be the first person to hit this thread? Face it Jake, were PR Whores we are.

Are these space pants? Why do you ask?

(God I love that line...)
cause your ass is out of this world...
no matter what, the new season cant possibly beat season2 in amazing, witty lines..
or even whole story lines, andre + tim...
j_west said:
cause your ass is out of this world...
no matter what, the new season cant possibly beat season2 in amazing, witty lines..
or even whole story lines, andre + tim...

Why thank you Jake! You just made my night. :mrgreen:

Where's Andre?
thanks for the date! can't wait--totally hooked on PR. Season 2 DVD releases 6/27--I've already pre-ordered. It's a sickness.
Maybe we should organize a viewing party at Red Lobster?
sounds good to me... sa or chicago red lobster?
i tell you what... we'll make it in both sa and chicago. we'll flip to see who hosts first. deal?
oo. i just remembered.. fiona apple concert on the 13th, the viewing partys going to have to be in chicago..u get the season finally or season 4
done and done! we'll get our social secretaries to iron everything out.
Nothing can beat season 1. The season 2 winner was a complete turn off for me. I doubt I'll watch it again...well...maybe for Heidi.
I hate when peopel get cut. I'm far more interested in the ideas and the designs and not the drama.
season 1 had better designers, ill give u that, but season 2 was so much more fun...
Kuja said:
Nothing can beat season 1. The season 2 winner was a complete turn off for me. I doubt I'll watch it again...well...maybe for Heidi.

I totally agree. Season 1 was like crack for me -- a combination of a nice selection of contestants and cool challenges. Of the final 3 for season 2, Chloe was actually my favorite to win (as long as it wasn't Daniel), but it just didn't live up to the first season.
As long as we get the "organic" outfit episode, I'm there! (Those of you that watch the show know what i mean)

:gogirl: :gogirl: :gogirl: :gogirl: :gogirl: :gogirl:

I wanna be Tim's Be-yotch!
