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Question for the yanks


Vodka and mouthwash
Dec 3, 2003
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
Because the line "He's blown me off" is far too subtle for the average Will and Grace viewer to pick up on.

Unless the joke is signposted by a laughter track or a badly timed (and even more badly delievered) line, the yanks will probably miss it completely.

I'm not speaking of all Americans you understand, just the majority of them.
American's love bad humour.

that's we sent them Jim Carrey.

they own him now.. stay away from Canada Jim.
i guess that the saying is so deeply ingrained in our vocabulary that it just doesn't strike us as sexual at all. plus, just because the characters laugh at every innuendo, doesn't mean that the audience does. the audience laughter is laugh AT the characters laughing. the characters are extremely exagerated stereotypes. we are meant to laugh AT them, not WITH them.
American's love bad humour.

that's we sent them Jim Carrey.

they own him now.. stay away from Canada Jim.

We also sent him William Shatner, don't forget. Old Willie is just about as funny as Jimmy. Unfortunately, Shatner keeps coming back for those Trekker conventions and calls us 'his people'.


(By the way, could someone straighten Bill's hair? It's slipping to the side.)
We also sent him William Shatner, don't forget. Old Willie is just about as funny as Jimmy. Unfortunately, Shatner keeps coming back for those Trekker conventions and calls us 'his people'.


(By the way, could someone straighten Bill's hair? It's slipping to the side.)

William Shatner does commercials for breakfast cereals in the UK. I'm just glad he's not singing.:badgrin:
??? I guess it's a Brit thing. What, does it mean "to blow somebody" over there? Doesn't mean that over here.

Sort of like "Shall I come knock you up in the morning?" which I gather you lot don't say anymore. Or the two different meanings of "piss off".
"Blown me off" has two different meanings in the US; you know the naughty one.

I don't know any naughty meaning for "blow off". You can blow somebody off by standing them up, or you can blow off steam, but in neither case is there mouth-to-dick contact.

Even "blow me" meaning :fellate:is kind of dated by now. Don't people usually say "suck my dick" instead?
that is because Canada lack a broadbase of opportunity -every one loves to criticize American humor, culture, etc. but I do not see the world busting down the doors to see Bollywood movies
I do not see the world busting down the doors to see Bollywood movies

Probably because they're usually over three hours long and always have singing in them.

I really loathe and detest the typical Bollywood fare. We get at least one a week on .za TV, always on a Saturday night for some reason. It's like they are trying to force us to get out of the house.

We also sent him William Shatner, don't forget. Old Willie is just about as funny as Jimmy. Unfortunately, Shatner keeps coming back for those Trekker conventions and calls us 'his people'.


(By the way, could someone straighten Bill's hair? It's slipping to the side.)

but our bill was amazed at Sulu.

Great Job Sulu.

The reason it's not funny is because you're confusing blowing off with sucking off, which is entirely different. The phrase is very specific: to blow someone is to give him a blowjob, i.e., fellatio; however, to blow someone off is to cancel plans at the last minute and for no good reason. Blowing is sexual, sucking off is sexual, but blowing off is behavioral. See the difference?

Now ask why we Yanks do giggle when you Brits tell us you've knocked up a friend.
Now ask why we Yanks do giggle when you Brits tell us you've knocked up a friend.

Okay, I'll bite. Why do you Yanks giggle when the Brits tell you you've knocked up a friend?

(By the way, I once had a Brit for a boss and he was always knocking up people. I giggled, too.)
Well, to be knocked up is to have gotten pregnant. "So and so got herself knocked up and had to get married." What does it mean to the Brits?