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Right Now.....


Porn Star
Jul 11, 2005
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I'm reading over my sociology notes and trying to study for my test tomorrow (well today now). Ahh, my first university test ever lol.

According to my sociology textbook, I wasn't socialized right. It looks like I missed the "form and sustain close relationships" result of socialization. That made me feel sad.
Taking care of the doggie. She's old and needs to go out every couple hours. So I don't sleep well anymore. ](*,)
Just got back from a hot date.

And he's coming over to my place tomorrow night.

Pinch me. This isn't really happening.
Just got back from a hot date.

And he's coming over to my place tomorrow night.

Pinch me. This isn't really happening.
You're turning into quite the little slut, eh? ;)
Having coffee and waiting for some stuff to finish doing its thing.

Having tea and listening to some music.
A last cigarette and quick look at what is happening on JUB before I rush upstairs, the service ones of course, to lay the table for dinner.

Somehow it wouldn't seem correct tossing myself off just before going to serve dinner to madame. ;)
I just put a pair of fillets on the grill. I gotta make some mashed spuds and I'm thinking some asparagus with a nice hollandaise. It depends how much time I want to spend.