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Saturday Night Live


JUB Addict
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
The Briar Patch
Does anyone watch SNL anymore? To me, the show has ceased to be funny by substituting bad taste for comedy. I was grossed out tonight by a skit ad in the first 10 minutes for a fake product that they called "Chewable Pampers." It showed a woman cooking used disposable diapers for the family to eat for dinner. That was enough for me, I changed the channel.
Quit about the same time. Tape it occasionally if they have a musical guest who I want to see perform but end up FFing through most of the rest of it.
Pity cuz in its prime it was awesome.
It's amazing that NBC gives them 90 minutes for a show when they really only need thirty and that includes two songs from the musical guest.

Like anything, they have their ups and there downs. There is no denying that Phil Hartman, Dana Carvey, Tina Fey, Wil Ferrall, Molly Shannon, Cherie O'Teri and a few others are pure genius. This year and last year, except for the Palin sketches have not been good. I always tape the show so I can skip the commericals and ff through the bad scenes.

The Chewable Pampers skit sounds gross, but I remember when they had the adult diapers called "Oops, I crapped my pants!" and that was funny.
I stopped watching about two to three years ago. With the exception of an occasional sketch, it's not really that funny. I usually only watch it to see certain artists perform, but I do not make it a point to watch it regularly anymore.
SNL always has peaks and valleys, just the nature of the show.

For me, tonight was hit and miss. I liked the chewable pampers skit. Not exactly high brow humor, but I thought it was good for a laugh.

Weekend Update is always a highlight, and tonight's was funny. The part with the governor of New York was fall down funny to me.

But, to be honest I hung on through the entire show just to see Jason Mraz's
two performances. (*swoon*) :luv:
Snl is ok its pretty much on its last legs the Election shows really saved them. After that it just got lame all over again they did the view and it wasn't even that funny just the girl that played Elizabeth. Kenan plays every black Actor or Actress. I could of done a better Whoopi then him. But tonight show was pretty funny i do like when they make fun of Gov Patterson

Madtv also suck during its last 3 or longer years especially when they got rid of their original cast piece by piece. Like Snl theres a few good skits they had It sucked when they got the new black woman to play Oprah. And for a few seasons the show seem to centered around bobbylee too much. Theres so much talent on madtv i wish snl would snatch them up. I would love to see Frank Caliendo get his own late night talkshow comedy show instead of that low budget show on Tbs
^^^MadTV has been cancelled. I'm not sure if it's going to be on another channel besides Fox, however.
The Steve Martin episode tonight was dreadful. I hope they cut the budget for this show again, because that's what forced them to be funny around 2006.
I used to be a faithful watcher of SNL up until 2000. I think Wil Farrell and Tina Fey are overrated. The real comedic talent was in the 90's....Phil Hartman, David Spade, Mike Meyers, etc. I think Jan Hooks (?) was hysterical and never gets credit.

I recently tried to watch a few minutes of it. The show just needs to be put out of its misery.
Yeah, Tina Fey isn't perfect, but I almost fall off my sofa whenever she does. But then SNL was funnier when she left.
I was grossed out tonight by a skit ad in the first 10 minutes for a fake product that they called "Chewable Pampers.".
You obviously haven't followed SNL that closely in the past. Chewable Pampers was standard stuff for a SNL commercial spoof. And it wasn't that gross, just the thought of it is gross. But it was one of their funnier commercials I thought.