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Sex Isn't All That....

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Well, your darling yuty just lost his virginity approximately 28 minutes ago. And yuty is wondering why he spend so much time obsessing over sex.

Sex isn't all that. At least it wasn't for me. I met a fellow college undergraduate who goes to a nearby school in Mass., on I already knew him prior to meeting him on After a irritating game of "Person 1: So....., Person 2: Yeah...." we finally decided to hook a library bathroom. He gave me a three-second blowjob (he barely licked it...) and I gave him a half-hour blowjob (it turns out I am wanton slut of a cocksucker...literally). Neither of us came. He just said, "Okay, that's enough...." and he left.

The next day we hooked up in my single dormitory (why we didn't go there in the first goddamn place...#-o) and we proceeded to have "real" sex. First things first, I didn't find my sexual partner attractive at all. He wasn't ugly or anything. It's just that it seemed like I was having sex with a girl that just so happened to have a dick. In fact, I couldn't take my eyes of his body and kinda ignored his face (for which I feel guilty) but I could tell he didn't find me attractive at all either. Hell, he barely talked to me. When we hooked up, it was like we were meeting for a study session not hot, delicious sex. My sexual partner was a bottom who supposedly had sexual experience before. However I too was a bottom who hadn't had sexual experience before. So we didn't mesh. I was more than willing to be top, but he just wanted to do oral and mutual masturbation. Which was fine, but kinda disappointing. (Does that NOT make me an ex-virgin; am I still a virgin? :cry:) Anyway, we 69'ed which was kinda fun. A mouth on a penis wasn't as earthshattering as I imagined but it was good. A penis in my mouth is like trying to consume a Octoberfest sausage. I did my best not put teethmarks on it.

He jacked me off to completion (which was okay; I've had better masturbation exercises) and I TRIED to jack him off but the guy couldn't stay hard. I tried everything to arouse him: licking and nippling his nipples, biting his ass, giving him a hickey, a little bit of frottage, etc. NOTHING worked. I was very annoyed and a little disappointed in myself. Am I THAT unarousing? :grrr:

Finally, he decided to go to the kissing. Believe it or not, I've never been kissed. I didn't know the first thing about kissing. Through various years of watching porn, I could give a good blowjob by observation. I was also pretty good at foreplay. But I ignored a rather crucial part of sex: kissing. And it didn't help the fact that I didn't WANT to kiss him. He has a small beard and mustache (which I HATE on men...) and he had an afro (another thing I hate...) and his facial hair kept scraping my oh so delicate face. It felt like trying to bop for an apple in barrel made of sandpaper. I tried normal kissing, but he went straight for tongue. I didn't want his tongue in my mouth anymore than he wanted my dick up his ass. So it was kinda like Helm's Deep in Lord of the Rings. My mouth was determined not let the villainous tongue inside my orifice. I really thought I would like kissing, but I don't. At least not with him. After much prodding, (he just jacked himself off while I played with his balls) he finally came.

Aftersex is awkward. Very awkward. It's kinda like like after masturbation except there's another person in the room. We dressed and cleaned in silence. I lied saying I would see him again soon, but that was lie and he knew it.

Sex isn't all that. In fact, I'm not looking foreword to doing it again. It's tiring, it's irritating and it's awkward. I hope, I'm wrong and some guy will make me a have orgasmic seizures in bed but I didn't really have any fun. Also, I feel dirty. REALLY, REALLY dirty. I'm taking a shower after this. Right now I have Listerine in my mouth and I'm pouring anti-bacterial alcohol on my penis, balls and my ass.


1) Don't have sex with someone just to have sex. Especially if you don't find them attractive or you're not attracted to them.

2) Never lose the lube. Spending ten minutes looking for the lube isn't fun and ruins the mood.

3) Learn beforehand whether or not your sexual partner who claims to bottom/top will ACTUALLY bottom for you/top you when it comes to doing the deed.

4) Never kiss a guy with a beard for your first time. It takes a little extra something that young virgins don't possess.

5) Blowjobs are fun. Try not use to teeth. Don't let him face-fuck you. It's like having someone shove a staff repeatedly against the back of your throat.

6) Have Lysol or some sort of disinfectant present for aftersex. You're gonna feel dirty. Having your hand up someone's ass will be cool in the heat of the moment but afterwards you'll be like "EW GROSSSS!" Also have Listerine to gargle the bad taste of saliva and dick out of your mouth.

7) Wait. Having sex just for the sake of sex isn't fulfilling at all. I can't believe I just typed that but yes, it's true. Your parent were right. Wait to have sex with someone you actually are attracted to and you actually have some feelings for. Having sex with none of the criteria above just doesn't feel right at all....
1) not true. i've had random sex with someone before and it was VERY hot.

2) agreed. have the lube handy.

3) also agreed but do your best to be verstatile in the heat of the moment.

4) DEFINITELY agreed. i hate facial hair on guys.

5) blowjobs rock. i love giving them and having the guy cum in my mouth. the face-fucking have to have it angled so it goes down your throat and you have to know how to relax the gag reflex.

6) not true. if the sex was hot, i love smelling him on me later on. it reminds me of the fun we just had.

7) eh to each his own
And rule #8 is--- never forget rule #1!!


I wasn't attracted to him...AT ALL...and I still had sex with him....what the fuck was I thinking.

Oh well, at least the anxiety over losing my virginity is gone....but I didn't penetrate anyone or someone didn't penetrate me, does that still make a virgin?!?!

Was it all for NAUGHT!?!?!:help::-({|=](*,)
1) not true. i've had random sex with someone before and it was VERY hot.

2) agreed. have the lube handy.

3) also agreed but do your best to be verstatile in the heat of the moment.

4) DEFINITELY agreed. i hate facial hair on guys.

5) blowjobs rock. i love giving them and having the guy cum in my mouth. the face-fucking have to have it angled so it goes down your throat and you have to know how to relax the gag reflex.

6) not true. if the sex was hot, i love smelling him on me later on. it reminds me of the fun we just had.

7) eh to each his own

1) Yeah, I was hoping for the same thing....:cry:

5) Cum in the mouth? I didn't even want this guy's tongue in my mouth...yet his penis was alright....god I'm fucked up....

6) But my sex wasn't hot. It was just handjobs and blowjobs....and I didn't like how he smelled. He smelled like motor oil....

7) Mommy and Daddy were right and you know it!! :grrr:
well i'm sorry your first experience sucked. hope the next one is a bit more meaningful. i've found some cool people on 's chatroom. just be careful. ;-)
Well, what can I say... You clearly got the bad end of the stick here.

Sex, when it's with someone you like/love/lust after is... something out of this world. It becomes special because you both want to be there. Sex for the sake of it is just a waste of time. Some seem to find it a turn-on (read: cruising, casual fucking in bars etc), but unless I can find something attractive about someone (physically or mentally)... it won't happen.

Kissing someone with some sort of ability to adapt and meet you halfway is really amazing. Kissing does not have to mean tongue-down-throat. In fact, I hate that. Full stop. Either kiss me properly or don't bother. It can be sensual, mindblowing and a massive turn-on. Add some over-the-clothes action (or under-the-clothes for that matter) whilst you're in the middle of an amazing kiss... :p

Bottom line is... sex can be all that - but not with just anyone. At least in my experience.
Well, what can I say... You clearly got the bad end of the stick here.

Sex, when it's with someone you like/love/lust after is... something out of this world. It becomes special because you both want to be there. Sex for the sake of it is just a waste of time. Some seem to find it a turn-on (read: cruising, casual fucking in bars etc), but unless I can find something attractive about someone (physically or mentally)... it won't happen.

Kissing someone with some sort of ability to adapt and meet you halfway is really amazing. Kissing does not have to mean tongue-down-throat. In fact, I hate that. Full stop. Either kiss me properly or don't bother. It can be sensual, mindblowing and a massive turn-on. Add some over-the-clothes action (or under-the-clothes for that matter) whilst you're in the middle of an amazing kiss... :p

Bottom line is... sex can be all that - but not with just anyone. At least in my experience.

That's so beautiful! :cry:

There at least FOUR hot gay guys in my school I heavily fantasize about but I get the one I don't even like...

Hey all you can do is live and learn. Don't beat yourself up over it, just take it on the chin and move on. Next time, you'll at least know what not to look for :kiss:
Don't worry. You got the bad sex out of the way it can only get better, right? I think attraction would help, but caring about the guy you're with takes it from hot to awesome imho.
Reminds me of Gilmore Girls last week. Or was it the week before? I saw two episodes on the weekend.

I'm a virgin too and not eager to lose it anytime soon. I've never really been sex obsessed.
I'm a virgin too and not eager to lose it anytime soon. I've never really been sex obsessed.

I never was until I had it with someone I actually got to know and care for. Now that I don't have him anymore I miss it. But I'm holding fast to Yuty's rule #1 as my almost first time was with someone just for the sake of it. I'm glad I didn't go all the way just for the sake of it - it meant a lot with the guy it was with.
As JUB's unofficial love doctor (but official Master of the Orgy), allow me offer the Musketeer perspective on your first time.....

1) Don't have sex with someone just to have sex. Especially if you don't find them attractive or you're not attracted to them.
This is the best advice I would give you! And you already figured it out for yourself! This is the first revelation of yours that I agree with 100%

2) Never lose the lube. Spending ten minutes looking for the lube isn't fun and ruins the mood.
Lube is important. Make sure you use plenty!

3) Learn beforehand whether or not your sexual partner who claims to bottom/top will ACTUALLY bottom for you/top you when it comes to doing the deed.
Communication is important! Be honest.......

4) Never kiss a guy with a beard for your first time. It takes a little extra something that young virgins don't possess.
Yes and no.....Facial hair and beards are sexy, but when BOTH partners know how to handle them....

5) Blowjobs are fun. Try not use to teeth. Don't let him face-fuck you. It's like having someone shove a staff repeatedly against the back of your throat.
Good oral sex techniques take time to learn, on both ends. The giver has to learn not to choke the sucker, no matter how good he's feeling, and the sucker needs to learn (and it doesn't happen without practice) how to swallow length and girth...

6) Have Lysol or some sort of disinfectant present for aftersex. You're gonna feel dirty. Having your hand up someone's ass will be cool in the heat of the moment but afterwards you'll be like "EW GROSSSS!" Also have Listerine to gargle the bad taste of saliva and dick out of your mouth.
You are not entirely wrong here. Stuffing your whole hand up someone's rectum is not for the novice sex partner. Even finger play can be tricky for the first timer. Again, it's a skill that needs to be learned with practice. As for the disinfectant, that all depends on your partner, and goes back to how you feel about that person. Some people clean up right away after sex, and brush their teeth. Some don't....

7) Wait. Having sex just for the sake of sex isn't fulfilling at all. I can't believe I just typed that but yes, it's true. Your parent were right. Wait to have sex with someone you actually are attracted to and you actually have some feelings for. Having sex with none of the criteria above just doesn't feel right at all....
AMEN! This is the second revelation that I agree 100% with! You don't have sex for the sake of just having sex. That's what your Maker gave you the gift of masturbation for. Sex between two people is an expression of ultimate pleasure. To put it in simple terms, if you don't care, don't share...

I believe that you learned, and have grown as a gay man, from this experience Yuty. You weren't attracted to him, and therefore, the mood was killed. It won't always be like that. You will find the right guy, and when you and he reach out to each other, it will be total bliss...Sir Ron promises that this can be so.....:D
Sweety, I am so very sorry your first experience did NOT ring your chimes!

You were just with the wrong person then!

You should have been with an experienced person your first time so that you understood how and what to do!

I truly believe that two virgins or people with little experience should NOT have sex with an amateur!

Please DO NOT let this stop you from experiencing another try with someone who knows the "ropes", for it will get mucho better my friend!

I mean, an experienced cock-sucker would have had you squirming and yelling his name when you came; otherwise, you got the wrong number!

Please, try again!(*8*) (*8*) :kiss: :kiss: