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Shark Sighting


JUB 10k Club
In Loving Memory
Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score
We had a shark sighting just down the coast from us in York and now everyone is afraid to go in the water.

this could kill the summer season early

really sux :mad:
We had a shark sighting just down the coast from us in York and now everyone is afraid to go in the water.

this could kill the summer season early

really sux :mad:

Didn't you read Jake's note? Fish are not food; he says the fishies are our friends. But then again, I don't plan on eating a shark.
well this may be the same one that was in the cape last summer and if it is, its a fifteen foot great white.

that is a very bad animal that doesn't have a problem with biting humans....

You may have no plans on eating shark, but she may have plans on eating you ;)
I love sharks. :luv2:

If people have a problem with them, they should just stay out of the water.

That is the only real option

they have ruled the sea for millions of years, and my summer holiday isn't going to change their turf
We see those all the time in the Clearwater, Daytona, New Symirna, areas, they're very big in Florida, they're also beautiful creatures.
its not the shark you see that is the problem......
humans are funny creatures they demonise what they cant control....
Oh that sounds exciting! Swimming is a lot more interesting when there are Sharks about. If one approaches you, just slap it on the nose and say "get lost"!
well they wont let anyone swim up here if the damn thing sticks around and that just kills the entire summer for everyone..

the business close early and the people leave to go south earlier.

maybe it will bite one of the bushes in kennebunk...


i forgot

sharks don't bite people with the last name Bush

professional courtesy ;)
HAHA I thought you were gonna say sharks don't eat bush... and neither do I :p
Most sharks think humans are sea lions and bite accordingly. Supposedly, humans taste kind of crappy to sharks...
dum-dum... dum-dum... dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum....
I used to go to Jekyll Island (off the south coast of GA) and wade out until I was in water up to my armpits. I would fish with squid, but I began catching sandsharks and hammerheads and I thought what the fuck am I doing? After that, I went to the channel that empties into the Atlantic and fished for trout. One year (not to brag) I hooked enough trout to bring home to Atlanta 20 lbs. of cleaned and fileted trout. I stay out of the deep water off the coast of GA now--I have heard too many horror tales.
When I saw Jaws, I was afraid of the ocean and the swimming pool. Even to this day, if I'm in the pool and alone, I get a little creeped out for a few seconds.
yeah, I agree that humans fear that which they can not control. Humans look like seals to sharks... esp on sufboards. But when they bite into us, we're too bony so most of the time they let go and we just end up hurt. More people die from lightening strikes than sharks. I still wish I could surf without that threat... but it's not possible. Oddly, I'd rather scuba dive with sharks than have one around while surfing/swimming. At least under the water I can see them coming.
I am thoroughly fascinated by sharks. A few years back I was given an interaction program for my birthday at Seaworld here in town. It was an opportunity to visit the reef exhibit and go behind the scenes and see what the staff do there. The big thing though was a chance to go into the tank itself with the sharks! I floated in the shark tank, within a steel and Plexiglas enclosure at the very top of the tank, and they fed the beasties while I watched! It was the best thing in the world. I loved it. It was mostly hammerheads and nurse sharks. The hammerheads were my favorite. There is something very elegant there. I was hoping to do it all over again, but I understand they no longer offer the program. Bummer.
Back when I could plan a day around television (oh to be a teenager again! Wait a minute, maybe that's why I'm overweight...), I used to live for Shark Week every summer on the Discovery channel. I missed it this year, but whenever I see something about sharks on, I tend to watch it.
I touched one once

their skin feels like wet sandpaper