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an 8 pac and a V line
Nov 12, 2005
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Anyone ever do it?

When i was say 10 i was at the check out with my Mom i asked her if a could get a lolipop and she said no because we already got the icecream i wanted but i also wanted the lolipop so i was going to pocket a lolipop and this lady behind me said "Don't do it" and when i turned around she gave me this stern look that scared me straight and the thought never crossed my mind again.
i used to work at a convenience store, and stole a lot stuff. does that count?
i used to work at a convenience store, and stole a lot stuff. does that count?

Used to be a song call Stealin' at the 7-11. They played it on KFAT a lot until 7-11 complained. IIRC part of the lyrics were "Of all your choices there's only 2, you steal from them or they steal from you."
This brought back a funny memory. When I was about 6 I was with my older brother he was 8 and we were at a grocery store. Him as his friend stole a bag of candy and got caught. The called our parents and I remember getting home and my brother got into a lot of trouble and my mother said to me " and what were you doing?" to which I answered as only a little six year old boy could answer " I was in the front of the store riding the pony." While my brother comitted his terrible crime I was just playing on those pony rides that they used to have in a lot of stores.
I used to steal Playgirl magazine from the local drugstore every month when I was a kid in the seventies.*|* !oops!
Yep, I've done it. I'll leave it at that since some of the investigations may still be open. If they can use blogs to incriminate someone I'd hate to be the first example of them doing it to a JUB'er.
I used to shoplift all the time in college.
Until one day I had just shoved a pack of nyquil in my pocket (I was sick) and turn around and saw a camera pointed directly at me.
I immediately took the medicine out of my pocket, put it back and left. On my way out the door, a man was standing there staring at me.
I never went back or attempted thievery again.
Once at a drug store, I made a purchase and paid with a $5.00 bill. The clerk laid the bill on the counter, gave me my pruchase and change, and walked away to the back of the store. I'd say the cash drawer was $5.00 short that day when they tallied things up. That was many years ago, but I am still embarassed by it.
I did from Home Depot once, but it was purely on accident, I stole a latch, I slipped it into my pocket when my pop called, and forgot it was in there. Later when I got home, I found the latch in my pocket and felt like shit.
I accidently shoplifted an entire business briefcase once. I'm still shocked at how it happened. I was so engrossed in a conversation with the cashier that no-one was paying attention to what was going in the bag ... it was weird.

But I know a ton of shoplifters! Some guys never grow out of it!
is sneaking into the next movie theater (when u didnt pay for the movie)the same like shopplifting? :(

Yes because you didnt pay for the movie. Shoplifting isnt just about what you can fit into a bag or your pocket.

Its something for nothing.

I only do that when the movie i paid for sucked big time and since i cant get my money back i go an see another one that is actually worth the 8 dollars.
Once probably when I was seven. I took an eraser that was probably worth 25cents. I put it back the other day because I didn't like it anymore...No one knows except for you guys :)
she gave me this stern look that scared me straight

If that look scared you straight, then why are you here? ;)

No, I never shoplifted. I'd probably get a nervous breakdown in the middle of the store.
I remember jokingly (I think) sticking a sack of potato chips in my jacket. My brother was looking behind me and could see the cashier was looking right at me. He nodded and I put the sack back and never did it again.

However, now that topic comes up, isn't that what we're doing when we go to the video blogs that have clips from porn movies and we download the clips for our own use? This has to be copyrighted material that they are distributing. So, I guess I'm guilty today on that count.
Shoplifting is for sissies...I robbed a bank and got a million trillion dollars.

Okay, I have never shoplifted...Gees, tough crowd.
When I was little, maybe 7 or 8, my friends would have me be the "lookout" while they stuffed their pockets with candy. I never had the guts to do it myself, but still felt guilty for helping them out.
The first time I shoplifted, I was five. It was a pack of gum from the 7-11, not surprisingly. Mother discovered the theft almost immediately and made me take the gum back and apologize to the clerk.

I took up shoplifting again when I was eleven, I'd sneak those little tins of French hard candies from a drugstore that I passed to and from summer school. I also stole a lot of dollar and half-dollar coins from my step-aunt, whose house I was supposed to be sitting while she was away. I was very disturbed that summer, and did a lot of things of which I'm still ashamed, a quarter-century-plus later.

My last shoplifting was in high-school, I made rather a hobby of it, stealing a good deal of costume jewelry from local department stores when I was supposed to be in History class. I eventually got caught, while engaged in even more heinous criminal activity (I'd engineered the loss of my senile Grandfather's wallet and was charging up a storm on his store cards), and the humiliation and chagrin of having my Grandmother come get me from the department store security office was so incredibly painful that I haven't stolen anything since.

Well, I do have some copyrighted material on my computer, which does count as stealing, but I have difficulty drumming up any shame over it.