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So I moved to Las Vegas...


Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score
Now that the shock is over its not so bad. Traffic is idiotic but I expected that. Turn signals are rarely used and they have an accident or three on a daily basis, all from rank stupidity. It's a little weird for me to be in 90 degree heat in October (I'm from Utah).

There are some real upsides to Vegas. There is always something to do and the locals are pretty ok. I'm a fairly social person and I've had some good conversations and some laughs. I was also told which casinos the locals like to go to, where to get symphony tickets, and that no grocery stores in my area carry 20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew which sucks.

I got a killer deal on my house, almost $90K less than the place sold for 5 years ago. I now have palm trees in my yard which is amazing because I've always had a thing for palm trees, and there is no grass to mow, ever, and that is really cool :-). In a couple of weeps I'n going to build a new pergola and put some flower beds in the back yard.

Now I just need some cool shows to come around and I'm set.
I wonder how similar and different is Vegas from Phoenix in terms of people and things to do after you get tired of all the flashy casinos and shows?
I live in Vegas! Welcome! :D

Yeah, the days are still relatively hot. The nites are definitely cooler. I open my bedroom window now.

It will cool down in a few weeks. And it's going to be nice! ..|

Congrats on your new home! That's awesome. ;)

Thanks lol. I have to say the heat was the hardest thing to get used to. When I came down to look at the house the first time it was like 111 at4 pm. I thought I was going to die. Tonight when I went for groceries I stepped out on the porch and thought ooh, its a tad chilly... Then I laughed at myself.

I have a few friends down here already so I'm not totally isolated. I'm not the most trusting person up front so it may take awhile to add to the posse. I hope to get a few more tho because I'm sorta famous for my parties ;) The last one was 22 people, spiral cut ham, fresh rolls, potato salad, green salad, several deserts, and an open bar. My new backyard needs some greenery before I can throw a new house party, invite some Utahns down to spend their $$$.

I'm looking forward to going to the new Goretorium. Supposed to be a spectacular horror display done by a hollywood artist.
I saw a billboard for this thing and looked it up online because I love horror and Halloween and all of that stuff. But I couldn't grasp exactly what this thing is. Is it a haunted house? Is it a hotel? Can you elaborate? Do you know more? Either way I want to see it.

Yeah, it's done by Eli Roth. He's a writer/director and was also in Tarantino's film, Inglorious Basterds. One of my favorites.

This was the link I found, sounds like a permanent feature or at least as permanent as any of the show were.
Or transvestite hookers? :lol:

Interesting that you would mention that. I had a rather wispy thin young girl overly interested in me. Told he I wasn't interested, I was a pole smoker (trying to gross her out), and she laughed and said "You're going to be really happy then." It took me several seconds of blinking before I figured out what she meant. I excused myself and went to the bar.
I love Vegas! Was there for a holiday not too long ago, though I don't think I could live there. Too hot.

I know it's probably not a thing that locals do (often) but if you get a chance, the Canyon Ranch Spa inside the Venetian Hotel is amazing!

Highly recommended.

Thank you, I may treat myself next week before I start back to work :)
Just a void North Las Vegas - I hear it's really bad! Otherwise enjoy the heat and Sin City! Do you need a good lawyer yet (I remember all those billboards for lawyers -people must get in hot water there...).
Just a void North Las Vegas - I hear it's really bad! Otherwise enjoy the heat and Sin City! Do you need a good lawyer yet (I remember all those billboards for lawyers -people must get in hot water there...).

So far NLV hasn't been to bad. Most of the stores I need are only minutes away. I do avoid the wal mart like the plague. I swear to god every frustrated mother with more than 3 kids goes there for a break and turns them loose. I despise wal mart.
So far NLV hasn't been to bad. Most of the stores I need are only minutes away. I do avoid the wal mart like the plague. I swear to god every frustrated mother with more than 3 kids goes there for a break and turns them loose. I despise wal mart.

Yeah but think of the savings shopping there to offset the high cost of living...