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Social Media Lights up over GOP VP Candidate's Photo Op...


Rambunctiously Pugnacious
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
River Quay - KC
[h=1]Charity president: Paul Ryan "did nothing" at soup kitchen photo-op[/h]

When Ryan arrived on the site in the early afternoon, the kitchen was clean and the dining area was empty, according to a pool report. After his time in the kitchen Ryan spoke to homeless people outside the soup kitchen, but reporters were kept from monitoring the conversation.

And we are supposed to take his word. Piece of shit.
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

The soup kitchen is a private org that has NON-POLITICAL in the bylaws. If he had asked they would have said no. Instead they barged in a overwhelmed the volunteer staff.

That is exactly the kind of foreign policy you can expect from a Romney Ryan ticket. Arrogant bull in a china shop. Ala' Bush with no brains behind the ideology.
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

That's a whole new kind of disgusting. As someone who has been on both sides of the counter in soup kitchens, I say someone on the staff should have grabbed the spray hose from the sink and drenched him.
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

If any one called Obama a weasil eyed little fuck, he would be accused of racism. You Democrats are such total hypocrits.
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

If any one called Obama a weasil eyed little fuck, he would be accused of racism. You Democrats are such total hypocrits.

While not exactly PC, how on Earth (it's 4.5 billion years old btw ;)) is that statement racist? It acually has to have something to do with race to be racist... (e.g., see "bring white back to white house" guy). Now, back to the actual topic... you have to agree if true, this is pretty despicable? Right...?
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

If any one called Obama a weasil eyed little fuck, he would be accused of racism. You Democrats are such total hypocrits.

Really? And what would you call a hypocrite who would cut funding to the poor and destitute yet would go to an empty soup kitchen and wash clean pots and pans?
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

I just hope the voters of Ohio got a taste of this.
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

Republicans are often accused of racism for things which have nothing to do with race. Any criticism og Hussein gets characterised as racism.
Dispicable? For washing dishes during an election? Hardly.
Dispicable is the Administration arresting the maker of the Mohammud film to further the false claim the Ambassador and others we killed as part of a spontaneous demonstration against the film. It could not be a terrorist act since the Pres claims he has defeated the al Quaeda, and there never was a war on terror. As his latest ad says "our enemies have been defeated". Yeah, right.
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

Didn't Bush say that too?
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

Benvolio, you're throwing red herring arguments everywhere that have nothing to do with this topic. Stop trying to derail the thread. Either you think Paul Ryan's photo-op was a lousy scam to look like a "common man" or not. So which is it?
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

If any one called Obama a weasil eyed little fuck, he would be accused of racism. You Democrats are such total hypocrits.

Paul Ryan is a pig.
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

Republicans are often accused of racism for things which have nothing to do with race. Any criticism og Hussein gets characterised as racism.


Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

He could at least have worn a dirty apron...............
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

Republicans are often accused of racism for things which have nothing to do with race. Any criticism og Hussein gets characterised as racism.
Dispicable? For washing dishes during an election? Hardly.
Dispicable is the Administration arresting the maker of the Mohammud film to further the false claim the Ambassador and others we killed as part of a spontaneous demonstration against the film. It could not be a terrorist act since the Pres claims he has defeated the al Quaeda, and there never was a war on terror. As his latest ad says "our enemies have been defeated". Yeah, right.

Benvolio, I don't really care what irrational claptrap you fill your posts with. I really don't care how shallow and inane you portray yourself by repeating over and over the same ridiculous talking points. I don't even care if you think it's fun to continually make assertions without any sources.

But I do care about your respect for our President. Like it or not, Barrack Hussein Obama is the President of the United States. You may think you're entitled to be juvenile and snide about him occupying the office, but if you want to be regarded as an American by others, you should bloody well straighten your spine, dredge up whatever remnants of civility someone taiught you in childhood, and refer to him in appropriate terms. Preferably, since you seem to have made it a point to forget your manners, you should refer to him as President Obama.

Straighten yourself out and join civilization.
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

I think there's been so much publicity about this photo-op already that the Republicans are probably going to walk away from it and act like it never happened.
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

Too late. It was filmed.
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

Yes, but someone above stated they will be using it in their advertising but at this point I believe they won't now.
Re: We all knew Paul Ryan was a weasil eyed little fuck but evidently Mitts creepy is rubbin off

Is he looking at his watch? #-o