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Survivor 25: Philippines


Madame X
Jul 2, 2009
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90-minute season premiere is set for Wednesday, September 19th at 8:00 PM! The cast is going to be announced any day now and I want to make sure I've started the thread so I can bump it shamelessly when the cast is officially revealed. ;)

Three returnees are coming in S25, and there's going to be three tribes again for the first time since All-Stars. It's pretty much accepted knowledge now that the three returnees are:

Michael Skupin from Survivor: Australia
Jonathan Penner from Survivor: Cook Islands/Micronesia
Russell SWAN -- not Hantz -- from Survivor: Samoa

There's also a crazy rumor/spoiler? that one of the new players is Lisa Whelchel from the Fact of Life. I eagerly anticipate this being confirmed.

Lisa Whelchel is really on this season. OMG.


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For some reason they're keeping the identities of the returning players a secret even though they've been known since, like, June. :lol:
I know she's some crazy conservative Christian these days but I hope she melts down HARD in the elements. It would be glorious!
I just read the spoiler somewhere for thext 2 seasons

not too excited for this seaosn but still gonna watch this!!
I hope it's not true tho :(

Im eagerly waiting for the season after this season!!!

do you want me to spill it in spoiler tag?
Pete, the only reason I'm watching this mess again.

Engineer by education, model by occupation. I like it.
hahahah lmao Blair on survivor, a lot of fans of the show on this season, i think they are scraping the bottom of the barrell, though artis trying out 14 times! lol, its like producers are like, ugh just give him a spot lol. i know troyzan applied alot of times as well.
Michael Skupin went hard-core Christian after his Survivor accident. Lisa Whechel is famous for being a devout Christian. Roxy is a Christian pastor.

I am hoping this doesn't turn into another Jesus-fest like the Coach/Brandon Hantz prayer-palooza of 2 seasons ago.
Premiere bump!

It is a ninety minute episode so I have a small amount of hope that we'll be introduced to most of the cast in the premiere. But I'm guessing that it will, of course, be dominated by Penner, Swan, Skupin, Whelchel and Kent because they're the "stars." Blonde lesbian to own Jeff Kent's homophobia right away plz.
I can't believe those kids on Skupin's tribe don't know who Lisa is. Abi, fine, since she's from Brazil. But I'm younger than the other chick and the same age as the younger guy, and I watched that shit every night when Nick at Nite played it.

What is with Survivor and making everyone wear color-coded clothes to match their tribe color these days? Since there's three tribes this season it's even more in-your-face than normal.
Pete and Malcolm are HOT. They should burn their shirts.

That is all.