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Swiffer WetJet's Unique Music Thread


JUB Addict
Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
oooo that Seether cover is horrible....

I like these two covers of that song better


And it's Thursday... Time for another piece of music.

This one comes from one of my favourite video games; it was composed by Nobuo Uematsu, arranged by Shiro Hamaguchi, performed all across Japan under the title Tour de Japon. I'm not sure of the particular orchestra who performed this piece; it varied from location to location.


"To Zanarkand", Nobuo Uematsu

sounds like it should be in some typical chinese/canto drama when the woman realizes the man of her dreams is really the tyrant in the story.. it's like the piece was made just to showcase the skill the of the preformers not the actual composition

which, btw their skill is really good. just the comp seems a little to cliche/heard it before/should be in a movie
I like all the vids! Thanks for posting :)