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T.V. shows you miss


JUB Addict
Sep 25, 2006
Reaction score
Middle River
I was at work today and it was kinda slow so I was talking with some co-workers about shows we miss and how good we each thought they were. We all had totally different likes it was soo funny. I was wondering if anyone has any shows they truly miss. I know this has prolly been done before but I am kinda bored and I am thinking about it.

1. Fear
2. Undressed
3. Singled Out
4. Time OF Your Life
5. Related
5. Four Kings
6. life As We Know It
7. The Mole
8. LAX
"my three son's" 60s sitcom. it's not rerun anymore in most markets.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one of the best written and acted shows ever.
Jack & Bobby
Six Feet Under
The OC (I mean rly, like when it was the best show ever)
Many others, but these spring to mind first
Jack & Bobby
Six Feet Under
The OC (I mean rly, like when it was the best show ever)
Many others, but these spring to mind first

I forgot about 'Jack & Bobby'. The show started off great but it slowly went into that horrid creative slump and went off the air.
I forgot about 'Jack & Bobby'. The show started off great but it slowly went into that horrid creative slump and went off the air.

indeed, it did sort of wind down to a sad little death. But the very first episode affected me so much that i was literally depressed for two days....and i was hooked:)