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Taller people are smarter?

Albert Einstein was 5'9"
Ludwig van Beethoven was 5'3"
Shaquille O'Neal is 7'1"

I have to agree that it's total B.S.
I knew a lot of tall people in my 40+ working years. LOL, my last boss was 6 foot 5 and everyone referred to him as the big dufus .... of course he may just be the exception that proves the rule! ;)
I'm 6'5", but I've not been called "Big Dufus", or something of the like.
It was the other guys who worked for you that said it behind your back ........ not me! ;)
Of course, you've always loved me!
You would have been my favorite boss had you'd paid me more than minimum wage! Next time you're in NYC, look me up. I live in the 3rd refrigerator box from the left, under the 42nd Street overpass. :kiss:
Everyone knows that curly-haired tall people are even smarter than straight-haired tall people!

btw, I'm 6' and i'm, pretty dumb so I don't know.
I can't vouch for the assertion. I've always looked up to them, though.
I guess Id be considered taller
I work with a guy who is 6'7" and we refer to him as "Shrek". Not the shiniest pebble on the beach if you know what I mean.........
I kind of figured as much...

"The research confirms previous studies that show that early nutrition is an important predictor of intelligence and height."Prenatal care and prenatal nutrition are just incredibly important, even more so than we already knew," Case said in an interview."

I think that's the key the whole thing.
well thats different

that means that if you are short because of malnutrition, you may not be as smart as you could have been, but

it doesnt mean that tall people are smarter in any way
Nutrition plays a key role in how the brain develops... But it does not necessarily mean that you will be tall.

No, it does mean that you will likley be taller....than if your mother fed you twinkies and Coke from age one 'till five.

well thats different

that means that if you are short because of malnutrition, you may not be as smart as you could have been, but

it doesnt mean that tall people are smarter in any way

The article was a fluff piece...not really worth getting too animated about.

That said, I was interested to hear that if I wear 6" stilettos instead of flats to work I can pull down an extra 15k a year!

Right, first I need a paying job...
Hmmn. I'm 6'1" (185.4cm).

What am I doing hanging around with you guys? :cool:
Total BS! I'm 6'. And I'm sure many can tell by my posts, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer! I also know many short people than I admire for their intelligence. Yes, nutrition can ensure one reaches their maximum potential in growth, but genes play the largest role, along with the mind's capabilities.