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The first day of school is going to be unusually quiet around here


Festina lente
JUB Supporter
50K Posts
Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
Peterborough Ontario
If I look out my back window to the left, I can see the back of this school:


For the first time in 185 years, there will be no students walking the halls on Tuesday morning.

PCVS (Peterborough Collegiate Vocational School) was founded in 1827, 40 years before Canada became a Dominion. The school was closed permanently last June after a long and difficult fight by both students and citizens to keep the school open.

No more school buses lining the streets. No more students wandering past my home in the early morning and late afternoon hours.

With the closing of PCVS, there are no more schools in the downtown area.

The end of an era.
turn it inta male comfort ans joys club
* not fa? *
no say nothin


How sad. They've been turning them into condos around here, so maybe you'll get some eye candy neighbors.
Closing schools makes Li'l Bit sad. Five out of six members of Li'l Bit's immediate family (including Li'l Bit) are teachers. :~(
mmm that building can be a fun bath house with gym and school of the arts :D
That is a beautiful school building.
Hopefully, it will be put to other uses, and not fall victim to the wrecker's ball.
I hope some rich Dubai prince buys that and turns it into a pent house with belly dancers.
You have all my condolences ... a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
That is a beautiful school building.
Hopefully, it will be put to other uses, and not fall victim to the wrecker's ball.

What a beautiful building. They have to save it!!!

It's a Heritage building. It can't be torn down.

There has been plenty of talk about what to do with it, but the most popular one so far is to allow it to continue being a school. There are a lot of City educational programs spread out across the city. Peterborough is trying to gather them all into the one building. Future occupants could include a School for Young Mothers, a Centre for Individual Studies (tutoring for students who had a difficult time in the regular school system and who are working to earn their diplomas), etc.

It will continue as a school.

That is if the School Board approves it.

Oh, and it will continue to be called PCVS.