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To Catch A "bro" Predator


Professional Hoodrat
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Cambridge, MA.
this isn't easy to admit, but i was almost a victim of one of these pervs in college...:cry:

I was in college. It was the end of the summer semester, and most of my friends had gone home. I walked out of a downtown grill at dusk and an older man started slowly following me in his car as I walked across the street and down the block toward my car. I passed my car, walking several blocks past it. He kept following me. I freaked out. I didn't see any policemen, so I went to a pay phone and called someone I knew. He came and picked me up, drove me around the block, and then to my car. The stalker had left the scene by then and it was safe for me to get into my car. I couldn't sleep that night. I left the front light on at my apartment. The landlady lived downstairs and was banging on my door the next morning because the front light was on. Damn thing.
uhhh...not to make fun of your serious situation but so you know, that was just a youtube wasn't real...i think maybe people overseas who don't get the dateline show might not get it.
this isn't easy to admit, but i was almost a victim of one of these pervs in college...:cry:

I heard YOU were one of those "bro's" in college.... :p

HEY! You keep that "big black dildo" away from me!!!! :help:

I know dudes in their 30's who call everyone "bro." I wonder what that says....
That was fuckin hilarious and the Dave Matthews Band at the end was fuckin great!! thanks for sharing that with us mean brouahama...I gotta go . :help:
I heard YOU were one of those "bro's" in college.... :p

HEY! You keep that "big black dildo" away from me!!!! :help:

I know dudes in their 30's who call everyone "bro." I wonder what that says....

i never called anyone bro in my life...i did go thru a phase where i called everyone "man" in whassup man...then someone said i was more white than black back in school so i called everyone "dogg"...but that didn't last. but never bro...or brosef which is even worse.
Just give me a list of the bro's.... and I'll go punish them.....
That was funny, despite that I don't get the joke. I feel left out of some inside joke that I'm not familiar with. I never heard of "bro" being used in this context.
that was so cool lol. They even act much better than Tom Cruise acting straight.

EDIT: But bros, it ain't a rape if the guy's good looking :P ok seriously be careful. wheee
That was hilarious. I must have been in the wrong dorm and then fraternity in college. All I got was the occasional shower wank.
lol funny. Interesting original concept.

Yeah the whole "bro" thing can be used as a cover-up to just plain old blatant homosex! ;)

"You have a black dildo."

"Its for X-Box."
yeah...these "bros" are pretty damn's one of my favorites...

ahhh...reminds me of my childhood...good times.