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UK X factor


Porn Star
Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Well SOMEBODY had to kick it all off!!!

Anybody see Jonathan on X factor last night? Excellent voice, lovable personality, looks fantastic, and he's a full-time carer for his mother.

Could you ask for anything more in a guy? I was getting all teary-eyed like a little bitch when he called his mother to say he was through.

Shame there aren't any pics I can share with you guys.
I'll have to watch it on ITV2 later if its on 'cos I missed it last night...

I'll look out for this Jonathan guy...
Just watching X Factor now...

I know what you mean, he's got a great voice, great personality and is a bit of a handsome chappy!
Yeah I spotted him last night. One of the highlights of the show. He's exactly the type of guy they'd pick out on the show to keep an eye on in case he does well.
And I hope he does!
I liked his style of singing... although I do wonder if he gets through to the live finals whether he will struggle with some of the other genres they throw into to the show... but until then, he's very pleasant on the eye :)
(...) Excellent voice, lovable personality, looks fantastic, and he's a full-time carer for his mother.

Could you ask for anything more in a guy? (...)
Was that NOT supposed to be shallow?
i agree with you about the macdonald bros lol, but dont you think leona's outstanding?! she's seriously talented, especially for a brit, and she's got an AMAZING vocal range! personally, i think she's incredible.
especially for a brit,

Do you really mean that? Talented for a Brit - The U.K supplies some of the best music in the world - none of which I have seen on this years X-factor.

I must admit to only watching it once, and that was to hear the contestants destroy Abba songs - I have know idea who is who in the show, but from the line-up I saw, I was only mildly impressed by the group of 4 lads who performed the campiest ever version of "Does Your Mother Know". I do recall the MacDonald Brothers being particularly awful and some young lad swooning "Waterloo". The acts were pretty dire in my opinion and fairly forgettable. This show is in no way representative of the talent the U.K has to offer.
Leona will be a star.
I must admit I've got a soft spot for Eton Road - Bless them...
Do you really mean that? Talented for a Brit - The U.K supplies some of the best music in the world - none of which I have seen on this years X-factor.

I must admit to only watching it once, and that was to hear the contestants destroy Abba songs - I have know idea who is who in the show, but from the line-up I saw, I was only mildly impressed by the group of 4 lads who performed the campiest ever version of "Does Your Mother Know". I do recall the MacDonald Brothers being particularly awful and some young lad swooning "Waterloo". The acts were pretty dire in my opinion and fairly forgettable. This show is in no way representative of the talent the U.K has to offer.

how many female british vocalists do you know of that are TRULY outstanding? imo, i dont think there are that many....

you think leona "destroyed" chiquitita? erm, you're probably about the only person who watched that show to think that...

so you've only seen the abba show? in that case, you've missed two incredible performances leona gave, when she sang "summerimte" & "sorry seems to be the hardest word" - trust me, this girl has got a tremendous amount of talent!
how many female british vocalists do you know of that are TRULY outstanding? imo, i dont think there are that many....

you think leona "destroyed" chiquitita? erm, you're probably about the only person who watched that show to think that...

Outstanding British vocalists - well where do I begin? :p
ALISON MOYET - KATE BUSH - ANNIE LENNOX - ALEX PARKS - TRACEY THORN (Everything But The GirL) - OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN (born in Cambridge U.K) - HAZEL O'CONNOR - LIZ FRASER - SHIRLEY MANSON (Garbage) - MELANIE C - KIM WILDE - DIDO........ and so the list goes on

And yes I thought Leona destroyed "Chiquitita" and contrary to your belief, I am not the only one who doesn't rate her - many of my work colleagues and mates would agree with me - but hey thank goodness we all have different tastes, and I will give her another listen, I am a person with very varied tastes in music and am always keen to hear new talent. I just did not witness it, in that particular show - I think that both Annifrid and Agnetha from ABBA have excellent vocal talents, and have yet to hear another artist sing an ABBA song as well as those girls did.
fair enough if you think that - but personally i believe she's very talented...

with regards to that list you've supplied me with there - i meant to say RECENT outstanding vocalists (within the last decade or so), and half of those ladies aren't - but that's my fault sorry#-o

i've listened to quite a few garbabge songs, but never noticed shirley to have that gr8 a voice:( ...