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US Economic Crisis , interesting video


JUB 10k Club
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
My question is,
do the rich feel shame/embarrassed if they don't need to work and they get richer and richer ?

My question is, do the rich feel shame/embarrassed if they don't need to work and they get richer and richer ?

Are you joking? That bunch of greed ridden crooks? Feel ashamed? Certainly not, they don't care about anything, or anybody, but themselves...
Are you joking? That bunch of greed ridden crooks? Feel ashamed? Certainly not, they don't care about anything, or anybody, but themselves...

I would feel embarrassed if i get richer and richer without doing anything.
Jack Springer commented
"You're in Australia -- why do you even care?"

I wonder why he made this comment ? :lol:
Jack Springer commented
"You're in Australia -- why do you even care?"

I wonder why he made this comment ? :lol:

People like to argue (when convenient) that things like this don't affect the rest of the world.
world lands shame beyond any word make

so hurry up figa ya shit mass pump out ya civlized faces
