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Now if he'll only help us here in Venezuela...
Your profile says you're in Canada, not Venezuela. How's that work??? How does Canada jive with "here in Venezuela?"
Yeah, well, that's true in most major American cities, too. Those who have been to Newark, NJ, or Baltimore, or Detroit, or DC, or the northern tip of Manhattan can assure you of that.
Frankly, I don't believe we should accept discounted oil gifts from Venezuela, or any other country that preaches how evil we are. The poor in Venezuela are more numerous and worse off than the poor here, and by accepting discounted oil, we are in affect hurting the Venezuelans more than we help ourselves, as well as giving a platform to those who hate us.
I suspect you couldn't care less about the poor in Venezuela -- you certainly don't care about the poor here at home. And how did Chavez's "hatred" of Bush all of a sudden morph into hatred of "us?" Are Bush and the American people now borged into "one?" Wow.
How generous of you to take away the only option these poor people have to warm themselves. It would never -- not in a million years -- it would not occur to you that, you know, maybe we should provide for our own people. No, you'd callously deny the poor warmth simply to give the middle finger to a Bush Hater. And that's just another reason why this country is in the shitter and getting browner by the day.
Perhaps you should go to your local gas station and look at the price of gas and you will realize that the Republicans are accepting a whole lot of discounted oil in the run up to the mid terms. Or is the OPEC increase in production just a coincidence?
As I said in a similar thread; If Bush and America had any balls, we would stop financing our enemies by reducing oil usage.
Perhaps you should go to your local gas station and look at the price of gas and you will realize that the Republicans are accepting a whole lot of discounted oil in the run up to the mid terms. Or is the OPEC increase in production just a coincidence?
As I said in a similar thread; If Bush and America had any balls, we would stop financing our enemies by reducing oil usage.
^ I worry terribly about the Venezuelans. I worry about anyone living under such a government. If you think that oil brought AMERICA down a bad path...
Let's see...
You support our government's and our nation's decent into the nether-world of torture, but you don't want to be known as a torturer.
You support a rogue nation bombing innocent civilians and leveling a modern city from the air, but you don't want to be thought of as a barbarian.
You choose to label a billion people as "Islamofascists," yet you see no evil in your own faith.
You want to limit what a visiting dignitary can say at the United Nations, yet you bristle at being thought an opponent of free speech.
And now, now you'd gladly deny tens of thousands of poor Americans the gift of warmth in the winter, yet you don't want to be thought of as cruel and callous, and you raise the notion of your private "good works" as a shield against this very claim.
Guess what? I don't need to know what you give or if your give or how you give to charity because you have expressed yourself widely and assertively on this forum -- I know where you stand.
And that is why I stand by my observations: people who support torture are evil, people who support bombing civilians are terrorists, people who deny free speech are anti-democratic, people who see other religions (but not their own) as being fascistic are religious bigots, and people who would deny others the ability to stay warm are cruel and mendacious. The flaw, Sir, isn't in the observations, the flaw is in your beliefs.
Uninformative article, I must say, not to mention it was written by a Bush admin flack...
Speaking of poverty, ds, could you please advise where you found this "80%" poverty rate, as both the CIA factbook and the World Bank Web sites dispute this number, severely. Further, it's a curious thing that poverty under Chavez is going DOWN while poverty in the US under Bush is going UP. Huh. Must be that "compassion" thingamabob. Could it be that anti-poverty spending is going UP in Venezuela under Chavez while anti-poverty spending and programs in the US in going DOWN under Bush? Don't take my word for it -- read what the World Bank has to say.
I have no particular interest in Chavez beyond his (highly) amusing tweaking of Bush and watching the Bush Coward Brigades go crazy, but let us at least stay true to the economic facts, shall we?
Your profile says you're in Canada, not Venezuela. How's that work??? How does Canada jive with "here in Venezuela?"
jkirk3000;OPEC production has not increased. Further said:Ah Hah, a devotee of the dismal science. I hope you admire Paul Krugman as much as I do, but probably not.
Prince Bandar has talked publicly about Saudi manipulation of oil prices at the behest of US Presidents: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/04/20/bush.oil?
It is possible that production has not increased, but demand is down and supply is high and Opec has just announced at the 142nd meeting in Vienna that current production would be maintained, that of course will drive prices down. OPEC has a stated policy of trying to maintain stability in the markets which makes maintaining current production odd.
Do you really believe that Bush/Cheney, the Republican Congress which has been a gravy train for oil, and EXXON et al, don't have a very big stake in keeping prices down for the election? Do you suppose they have no influence with the Saudi's and OPEC?
Under Chavez, Venezuela's human rights have suffered. Claudio, how is it living under these circumstances??? Is it very oppressed or on the verge of becoming very oppressed??? In my old country, we would get jailed for protesting anything.
Frankly, I don't believe we should accept discounted oil gifts from Venezuela, or any other country that preaches how evil we are. The poor in Venezuela are more numerous and worse off than the poor here, and by accepting discounted oil, we are in affect hurting the Venezuelans more than we help ourselves, as well as giving a platform to those who hate us.
Gracias, Claudio63. I hope you have a chance, and a desire, to write about life in Venezuela under Chavez -- I for one would be very eager to read a gay man's perspective of what life is like with Chavez in office.
Now you'd probably make me have to defend him if I was to take a gay man's point of view. From what most of us can see, most of his staff is gay. The current joke around is him holding a meeting saying he was troubled about the rumours circulating about every other minister or governor being gay. "Is there anyone here who likes women?". As a solitary hand is lifted Chavez belts "I wasn't talking to you Maria Cristina! (Ministry of labor and obvious lesbian if my gaydar is worth a cent").
In any case, the new constitution he made rejects any discrimination against homosexuals. Then again it rejects any discrimination at all in spite of the fact that your political tendency (read against chavez) will be held against you in job interviews. But -sigh- the constitution is a step in the right direction. Plus, Caracas had it's first gay parade this year (Caracas's mayor, Juan Barreto, is one of the gayest characters in our politics - in spite of his lewd and discriminatory remarks this year about a priest who died while allegedly cruising. I guess Barreto is our own Citizen Cohn). Needless to say, Venezuela is traditionally macho, and gay discrimination is still practiced. I'm out to only very close friends and intend to stay in the closet as long as I live in this country.
I can't give you proof. Chavez may not the devil, but he's no saint. I'm certain he's using this UN thing to further his communist agenda. Hate Bush all you want, all I ask is that you keep an eye out on Chavez.
Why exactly, as an American, should we keep an eye out on Chavez? I was hoping this country would learn to stop meddling with South American political affairs. Do you suggest he has ambition that would be contrary to world order, like Ahmadinejad? Is Chavez interested in a pan-South American superpower?