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Weight Loss Tips?

Feb 27, 2006
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I am at the point where I have got to do something about my weight. I weigh 210 pounds. I have what you could call man boobs, and believe me, I hate it with the passion. I also have a gut which makes me very uncomfortable with my image. If anyone can give me some tips, please do let me know. I am walking every night for about 45 min but I need more than that. What are some foods I can eat as a part of my daily intake? And one question, should I substitute a meal with some kind of health shake?
A few things i try to put in my diet every week are garlic, spinach, almonds, not cooked olive oil. If you like salad get the greens and make this dressing. 1 clove garlicdiced, 1/4 cup olive oil, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice or more, 1/4 teaspoon sugar, salt and pepper. get some spinach and almonds on top, there you go. Dont toast your almonds, they lose all their oils. ITs the best snack for you. Drink a lot of water and dont over due with the healthy food all the time. You ll get bored of what your eating and stop your diet.
I really do appreciate all the advice...Gets me pumped. I hjave to go to the post office in a while, I might walk down instead of drive....:-)
Don't eat any type of processed food! No fast food, including chain restaurants. Eat as fresh as possible and as local as possible. And no sugar.
Simple. Eat less. Exercise more. Drink lots of least 8 glasses a day. Stay away from FAT. No pizza, pastry, sweets, pasta (which turns to sugar in the body unless you burn it off with exercise). No sugary sweet cocktails or beverages. Eat lots of lean meats, veggies and fruit. Cut down on the bread and bisquits. That is the only sure way to permanent weight loss. Forget the fad diets...they are just that...fads...and are not realistic for long term. People get tired of them. That's why there are so many of them. If you exercise more, it will also curb your appetite. You do not have to starve yourself, just eat more of the right foods.
I once heard that 75% of weight loss is attributed to diet

My personal trainer has told me that it's actually closer to 80% of weight loss that is attributed to diet. :D

I say this so that we can all keep in mind that, excepting those people who can "eat like a horse" and never gain a pound, diet is very important - you can't work out all day then eat what you want as a trade off.
yes, 80% of your weight loss is attributable to your diet. Excersise is a great thing and will accelerate and help maintain a slimmer figure, but ultimately you need to identify what put you in the situation you're trying to get out of.

Start educating yourself about the food you eat. Open your pantry and read all the lables on what you eat, infact don't eat anything until you've read the label. Learn to identify ingredients you need to moderate... glucose/fructose, hydrogenated anything, corn syrup, dextrose, and anything that sounds like it shouldn't be there (like corn starch and sugar in low fat mayo....) The further up the list they are, the more of them are in the food. Also, when comparing, check the serving size the "nutritional Info" is based on so you're comparing the same portion size. Watch the fine print.... 50% less fat than what? Butter?

When you do groceries ONLY buy what you find on the perimeter of the store, don't go near the aisles.... fruit, veggies, whole grain breads (in restricted amounts) meat, fish, poultry, eggs, low fat dairy. Buy the best you can afford. Bargain foods are no bargain, cheap ingredients, fillers and water retention are all tricks food marketers use to manage to sell you more for less.... there are no free rides.

-Invest in some Whey Protein Isolate Powder and make your breakfast a smoothie with skim milk, a banana, strawberries and vanilla protein powder... good for you and it will keep you going.

-Eat 6 small meals a day, and make sure each one includes a Protein source. A hard boiled egg, a chicken breast, some tuna with lemon juice. You'll never feel hungry....ever

-Don't eat after 7 PM

-Don't ever go hungry

-Schedule a "me" meal once a week and have whatever you want (that's A big mac with fries and sundae, does not give you a licence to have 2 large pizzas with a 6 beer

-No more soda....water (Crystal Light if you must)

-Nada on the fruit juice, 100% juice with no added sugar if you must, and 1 a day. (remember a glass of juice contains all the calories of all the fruit that were pressed to make it... would you eat 6 apples at a time? or a pound of grapes with dinner?)

That, in a nut shell will help you make some real changes in about 6 weeks. Promise.
Talk to your doctor and have him refer you to professional help; someone that you can visit regularly and discuss your progress or lack of and adjust your exercise program and diet accordingly. The feedback mechanism that councelling gives you will help to reinforce your will power and help you stay on track, which is an extremely difficult thing to do on your own (but you probably already know this).
well imm here to tell you the best diest i could ever talk about is weight watchers.. i started about 10 months ago at a whopping 331 and now i weight 260 . i feel great and my cholesterol is great. and its easy to stick to and just watch your portions . i swear by it.
Invest in some Whey Protein Isolate Powder and make your breakfast a smoothie with skim milk, a banana, strawberries and vanilla protein powder... good for you and it will keep you going.

That's what I do for breakfast every morning! I use a strawberry flavoured powder (with 0 carbs, of course), and I leave out the dairy entirely. Tastes great, and gives you energy for the rest of the morning!
The advice given is spot on. I lost a lot of weight over the past year and still losing. I didn't do anything drastic...I just started eating correctly, and exercising. Make sure you drink A LOT of water. I always tried to drink at least 2litres of water per day. At one point I was drinking 6 litres a day, but that's a bit excessive. ;) 6 meals is excellent, and that's how I normally eat. I lost 45lbs in about 10 months, and I dropped about 10% body fat. I basically did what Eric55 is suggesting for you to do. So, I can say that it does actually work.
Wow. Reading all these posts inspires me more and more to make the best effort I can to suceed. I will admit my day of the week to cheat and eat something bad will be Tuesdays. Nip Tuck is on Tuesdays.....What a great episode last night. That show keeps me off the edge of my seat. And for the first time today, before work, I went for a walk. I normally wanna be a slug before work, but Isucked it up and did it. So tomorrow I am gonna have a serving of Oatmeal and my water all day. Then a sensible dinner. Fat free yogurt for lunch. Madonna will keep me inspired. Almost 9 years of an addiction with her. She costs me too much money this summer. 4 times. NYC Twice, Hartford & Boston. She keeps me inspired to never give up on my goals. Once again, thank you all for your advice. I really appreciate it
great news to hear that you are trying to lose , i am also , i find that drinking heaps of water does wonders for me , and walking as often as possible. I have also found that i love yogurt alot lol and it fills me up for ages. Keep it up and it will come off!
water water water. Yes you will get a bit of water retention when you drink nothing but water, but it helps keep acne at bay, and helps you lose weight :D. A few years ago, I switched to drinking nothing but water, all day everyday, and I lost like 5 lbs in the first week of doing that. Now I'm getting back into drinkin alot of soda :( cuz I gotta stay awake on the overnight shift. Still water helps alot.
My advice echoes the others, but one of the main "bad things" to cut out if you haven't done so is soda. Cokes, and other caffinated drinks contain alot of empty calories. It is really hard to stop drinking caffeine, and the way I stopped was slowly weaning myself to alternative sodas like 7-Up, Sprite, etc and then stopping to drink them. The way I try to eat right is when I'm tempted to by unhealthy food is to think in my mind what I'm going to have to run/walk/exercise to make up for it....
well, walking for 45 minutes/night isnt gonna cut it. its got to be a lot more strenuous than that. and next time you go to the supermarket, just dont buy any junkfood. its that easy. oh yea, just halve your starchy food intake. and swap fizzzy drinks for plain water. good luck.
I once tip the scales at 130 pounds and hated my body so I wanted to loose weight real fast. Trust me when I say this.

Breakfast: Red Bull

Lunch: anything you want

Dinner: protein shake

If you want to loose the weight excersise for 30- 1 hour or if you want to keep the same weight do not excersise.

I have lost awhole lot of weight and feel great!
What worked for me was eliminating alcohol. It was one of the best things I've ever done. I feel terrific (mostly mentally) and I haven't looked back.
I've been told by an MD (as I asked the question of him) that it is possible to overwork the Kidneys by drinking to much water. As with anything, the body needs only so much water.

Also, cardio is one of the best ways to burn fat. Be careful a bulking up as it can bulk up over fat.

If you're doing alot of sweating, you also have to replace electrolites - water alone will not do that. Consider some sport drinks when you're exercising.

Good luck