Having a steak din-din this evening, shower and sneaky prep work for an evening of having fun and play with my partner. He doesn't know anything about such plans yet, but he is cheap and easy, so I know he will go along, plus I know it will make him happy, happy, happy, oh, yeah, and me too

Tomorrow, cleaning up here and there around the "homestead" picking things up outside, putting them away, clearing some brush, hauling some trash, then hope it is enough before the snow flies. Laundry, clean the cat box, run the vaccum and do some dusting, soak in the tub.
Then Sunday helping the neighbor lady by getting up an the roof and replacing the roof cap and stacks for her flue of the furnace that was torn off last spring when the snow let loose from the roof.
Hmm, I am going to be busy but I like busy.