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What are your plans for this week-end?


Bicho Estranho!
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Belo Horizonte
I am going right now to a bar of a friend of mine. It is opening today and hope to find someone nice to be with.
By the way, Have a great week-end guys!
Love ya all!
(*8*) :kiss:
Sitting at home, waiting for my new PIN number so i can get me some beer, but until then just abusing fellow jubbers.

Hi, Hunky.

I've got a date tomorrow through Sunday ;) . Should be fun.

Oh, and I'm coming out to my family this weekend. That will be less fun, presumably.
Alas, in the absence of the beloved Zobby, I'm reduced to drinking Stella and making an arse of myself on JUB. #-o

Reduced? :confused: REDUCED to drinking Stella?? :eek:

Some people have no respect for other people's culture! :grrr:
Hi, Hunky.

I've got a date tomorrow through Sunday ;) . Should be fun.

Oh, and I'm coming out to my family this weekend. That will be less fun, presumably.

Hey Lube,

Enjoy your date! It is really great to spend the weekend with the one you love.

About the coming out to your family, it is the best thing you´ll do.
I'm meeting a friend tomorrow for breakfast....possible date/hook-up later on.
I've been attending MCC (Metropolitan Comm. Church) pretty regularly, will probably do that on Sunday.

First day of fall, still pretty warm here in SoCal.

Not 100% sure...maybe boat and car shopping.
Cleaning house, doing laundry, cleaning the car, talking to my sisters, going to visit some friends and break the news to them on the latest developments and trying to figure out how to fall asleep early enough on sunday night to make the 3:55am bus to Boston on Monday morning.
I'm going into the office tomorrow for a couple of hours. I'm trying to get a step ahead on my work. I'm going out for dinner tomorrow night with my brother and our friends. It's my brother's birthday. Other than that? Presumably I will try to stay dry, we're expecting a rainy weekend here in S.A.
Having a steak din-din this evening, shower and sneaky prep work for an evening of having fun and play with my partner. He doesn't know anything about such plans yet, but he is cheap and easy, so I know he will go along, plus I know it will make him happy, happy, happy, oh, yeah, and me too:D .

Tomorrow, cleaning up here and there around the "homestead" picking things up outside, putting them away, clearing some brush, hauling some trash, then hope it is enough before the snow flies. Laundry, clean the cat box, run the vaccum and do some dusting, soak in the tub.

Then Sunday helping the neighbor lady by getting up an the roof and replacing the roof cap and stacks for her flue of the furnace that was torn off last spring when the snow let loose from the roof.

Hmm, I am going to be busy but I like busy.
  • Lunch with my brother tomorrow
  • Haircut tomorrow afternoon
  • Dinner with my 'ex tomorrow night
Wondering how it is my body is producing so much mucus. Argh.
I need a feed bag.

And don't knock Stella.
dinner with some friends tonight, then study for midterms

tomorrow night, my friends are taking me out for drinks as an early birthday celebration (since i can't party on a monday night thanks to school, LOL)
I am going to Washington, DC. (don't get excited) to see family.
Meant to be out right now, dropping gurns and drinking myself silly, but overslept 3 hours, and woke up @ 1 AM to 6363 missed calls on my phone.
One of the clubs didnt open until 1, but i couldnt be arsed to go to town on my own, and everyone'd be twatfaced by the time I got in. So im now drinking Stella on me own, which isnt so bad. Stella's always good company :)

Tomorrow ive got work (only 8-12), then Im meant to be doing acid, so that'll be an awesome 12 hours of my life to live, once again :) Clearly be drinking also ;)

Sunday will be hangover day, I expect.. probably still buzzin'/dazed a little bit off the drugs :)