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What's a FagHag?


Nov 12, 2003
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A fag hag is a girl who wants to spend an inordinate amount of time in the company of gay men. ;)
Fag hag is a slang term, which is either abusive or affectionate, for a woman who enjoys the company of gay men. Gay men and fag hags often share a very close friendship, generally closer than they have with other women or men. It is this close friendship that is the hallmark of the fag hag relationship.

Some would say that fag hags are pitied based on the assumption that their fascination with gay men lies in infatuation, which will most likely never be consummated. While this is occasionally true, most fag hag relationships contain no romantic feelings; indeed, some fag hags are lesbian.

This relationship, like most positive relationships, generally evolves out of shared interests and opinions. It offers heterosexual women an opportunity to participate in a gay community where arts, fashion, and literature are embraced and encouraged. The gay community also offers straight women a safe environment to party in relative freedom from unwanted sexual advances.

In interviews with gay men and self-described fag hags the most common theme is safety. A rich relationship can develop between a straight woman and a gay man without sexual tension. The fag hag relationship allows the participants to separate intimacy and sexuality.

The term "fag hag" does not generally carry the same negative connotations that "fag" would. The term is used, without the intent to insult, by both gay men and their female admirers. Some women (such as comedian Margaret Cho and Jessie from the UFN Show podcast) will proudly declare themselves to be fag hags.

Synonyms include fruit fly and fairy godmother.

A fag hag can also mean a female celebrity that is loved by gay men, or the gay community. Judy Garland has been characterized as a fag hag (the origin of the phrase "Friend of Dorothy" referring to gay men, as Dorothy was the character Judy Garland played in The Wizard of Oz). Madonna, Cher and Ana Matronic of Scissor Sisters also qualify as fag hags.

In the movie Fame, Doris is referred to as a fag hag for hanging out with a recently out gay character.

Julia Roberts' character in The Mexican developed a fag hag-type relationship with a gay hit man, Winston Baldry, played by James Gandolfini. Other media examples include the show Will & Grace and the film The Object of My Affection.

The slang terms lesbro, dyke tyke, dyke mike, dyke dork, Dutch boy, dyke dog, or rug doctor have been used occasionally to refer to a male with extensive platonic friendships with lesbians, but this usage is far less common. In the case of gay men, the term dyke diva is sometimes used to define a similar kind of relationship.

A straight man who has a similar affinity with gay men is termed a fag stag, but, again, this usage is rarer.
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i.e. Madonna. But she is a fake all around so I am not sure if she counts or not.

Why can't homosexuals have better taste in their icons. She is as bad as Joan Crawford - except a different era.

At least Bette Midler has grown up and turned out to be a real person. And that I do give her credit for - she sure has a H***l of a lot more talent then the above fore mentioned "performer :p :p ?"

:badgrin: :badgrin:
Just a side-bar on the fag-hag definition:

Some people think of hags as being a negative thing; but I think just the opposite.......many a gay have them and they are best friends and they are female!

Some of the best friendships are hags, so don't discount them!

Look at some of the famous TV programs with hags on them!

OK?(*8*) :kiss:
Fag Hags are the obnoxious smelly over-weight straight babes who want to make sure you're good enough to date their boy.

Bad fag hags want their "best-friend-in-the-whole-wide-world" more, and will do anything to keep you from finding happiness with their man.

Remove all of the "psycho-drama" and a fag hag is really nothing more than the straight best-friend (male or female) of the guy that your dating/interested in.

My bestfriend was my fag-hag for years. Not because he secretly wanted me, but because he wanted to protect me from guys who weren't worthy of my attention.

My girlfriend "fag-hag" didn't like any of my potential dates or boyrfriend, because I wasn't giving HER enough attention. Ergo...BAD fag-hag.

HazeMaster said:
A fag hag is a straight woman who goes out to bars with gay men, thus ensuring that neither of them will be hit on.

This in turn allows them both to get completely smashed, behave in a loud, obnoxious manner, and then spend the rest of the week complaining that no one ever asks them out on dates.

A fag hag is also a straight woman whose gay friend thinks it's "cute" for her to tie up the only bathroom in a crowded gay bar while dozens of men line up waiting to piss.

SO true.

So VERY VERY true.
centexfarmer said:
Bad fag hags want their "best-friend-in-the-whole-wide-world" more, and will do anything to keep you from finding happiness with their man.:p

There's a good kind?
Croynan said:
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i.e. Madonna. But she is a fake all around so I am not sure if she counts or not.

Why can't homosexuals have better taste in their icons. She is as bad as Joan Crawford - except a different era.

At least Bette Midler has grown up and turned out to be a real person. And that I do give her credit for - she sure has a H***l of a lot more talent then the above fore mentioned "performer :p :p ?"

:badgrin: :badgrin:

First, Wikipedia to the contrary notwithstanding, I've never heard someone called a fag hag just because they were a gay icon. Judy Garland was an icon and also a fag hag, because she surrounded herself with gay men.

But if we're talking about icons, it's never been the case that they achieve that status strictly on the basis of their talent. They have to be famous, of course, and have a certain amount of talent, but other factors come into play, such as:

Androgyny (Joan Crawford, Greta Garbo)
Larger than life persona (Mae West, Diana Ross)
Wildly mismanaged personal life (Elizabeth Taylor, Maria Callas)

Some of the most talented female performers, in fact, hardly register on my diva-dar. Katharine Hepburn, for example, although obviously a great actress, doesn't have much appeal as an icon, does she? (It doesn't help that she made some snide comments about gay men at one point.)

Or Joni Mitchell. Great singer/songwriter, her music makes me cry, but somehow she's never become a gay icon.

Y'all agree or disagree?
i love my female friends, wouldn't want to be without them, they're fun and good to talk to (*8*) i wouldn't call any of them faghags though, for alot of them me and my boyfriend are the only openly gay men they hang out with, and they've been either mine or his friend for a looooong time.
WHAT, not every gay guy has one ? ;)

I thought everyone has a "fag hag" (although I don't like this expression !). Then again, I know few gay guys....but they all have mostly (if not exclusively) girl friends !! Oh I'm so behind the moon...where have I been living ? :D

I'd like to have a couple of straight guy friends for a change...Although I DO get along better with girls than guys cos most of them are so immature I feel like I have to babysit them, there's always a few guys who are fun and interesting . I don't really have any straight guy friends...Am I weird ?!! (I mean : am I weird in THIS case ? Cos overall I AM weird and I know it , lol :D)
i thought a "fag hag" only hung around really camp "sterotypical" gay guys who enjoy their love of accessories and shopping, something they have in common.
Let face it most women don't really have any strong bond friendships with other women, its all superficial, so a bond with a guy who can be like a "girlfriend" to them is appealing. So all non-camp gays are safe from a fag hag.