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Where my born-again virgins at?


Kween of Hot Topics
Feb 1, 2009
Reaction score
The Trap
You get this nifty keychain.


I want mine in blue.
Is 5 years long enough to gain entrance into this club?
What is a born again virgin?

Someone who hasn't had sex in a reeeeeeeeeeally long time, "born again" is stolen from the Christian concept of being "born again" through Christ. Essentially, you've gone so long without sex that you're practically a virgin again eg born-again virgin.
I'm right here. I'm like a virgin touched for the very first time!

:rotflmao: Hoe Hoe is tryna get up in my B.A.V. club?


I should've stated, Moe Moe, if you've been "touched for the very first time" in the past hour, you're not allowed up in hurr.
Someone who hasn't had sex in a reeeeeeeeeeally long time, "born again" is stolen from the Christian concept of being "born again" through Christ. Essentially, you've gone so long without sex that you're practically a virgin again eg born-again virgin.

Oh I was like that along time ago.


It's been like 2 days :(
I don't need a keychain to tell me I'm a born again virgin. The cobwebs tell a story all there own.

I've named the spiders that dwell in the crevices of my ass. There's Huey, Marcus, Dontrell (he keeps to himself for the most part). I'm not sure but I also think there's a family of vampire bats nesting back there. I would have someone check.... but I wouldn't be in this situation if I knew someone who would go back there.

Anywho, Huey and Dontrell are the main laborers, they've done some brilliant work.

Here's an actual shot from inside my anus. This one is of Huey just chillaxin'.

Its been a year since I've had gay sex! Does that make me a virgin? LOL :lol:

Sounds like a word-game to me. You specified GAY sex, does that mean you been dippin' in the other side of the pool? Lemme smell ya' dick, I can catch the scent of recent sex like a bloodhound.

If you haven't had ANY sex in the past year, then yes...

*hands robertac a keychain*

Hell, I even got free passes to see the movie "Coraline" in IMAX 3-D today. This nice young gentleman took me out on the town and I didn't have to open up my pocketbook or my legs. I'm so proud of myself.

I'm not stupid, I know you blew him.
To match your balls?

That's a common misconception about BAVs.

These balls haven't been blue since the day I learned that I can trick my nuts into thinking I'm getting laid by rubbing my penis for an extended period of time.

Okay Sherlock since you wanna be a little detective and deny me my keychain, how 'bout you prove it.

Exhibit A. Your breath smells like latex.

Exhibit B. You have fresh cum stains in your hair, on your cheek, lips, and all over your shirt.

Exhibit C. He's standing right behind you zipping up his pants.

Exhibit D. There's a $5 bill on your desktop.

Exhibit E. You're Moe Moe. You couldn't abstain if all the men on the planet dropped dead. You'd go straight to the produce aisle.
But I still want a keychain and pretend I'm a sweet innocent virgin.

I would invite you to the BAV after-party but it's Saturday, I'm sure you've got a gang-bang with some sports teams planned up. Just remember to leave those lacrosse players alone, they're rowdier than the b-ballers.

As for me, another Saturday indoors, smokin' a cigarette, still trying to figure out why everybody else's mixed tracks sound better than mine. condition is by choice, I'll get laid when I find somebody worth giving it up to. Unlike some of my peers I'm not throwing my legs over any old Joe Schmoe's shoulders.
A year? What amateurs. Before I hit the baths that one time a year ago last September, I'd not had gay sex in TWENTY years.

And now, it's been two months.

It's good stuff with the right person. It's boring and unfulfilling as hell when it's not.

T-Twenty years o_O"

My god.

You must have really needed it then..