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Who smokes?

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to compliment the beer thread.

I wanted to know who here smokes MJ, and if you do, is it legal where you live, got any stories, favorite variety???

am i allowed to even talk about mj on this board? :confused:
i heart buds. i go to school in dc, so its definitely not legal. funny story of late: last month my buddies and i were hitting this 3 foot bong that somehow ended up at our place. maintenance dude rolls in while i'm in the middle of a monster hit. he fixes the shower and we smoke him up on his way out. another tale involves a close call with a j at the lincoln memorial, but i'll save that one for another day.
I have never tried any drugs of any kind. I am so straight.
In the past, i would smoke alot, too much, today its alot more reasonably, 1, maybe 2gs a day.

Its technically illegal here, but all the talk of decriminalization has meant the cops dont care about giving people trouble for simply smoking a J. I remember this one time, it took five police cruisers coming in from all directions of the park to detain three of us smoking next to a small building...Not because we were chilling there, but because, some idiot who was driving by, called the cops and said we were breaking into the building...when they realized what we were really doing there they laughed and said have a good night.

go figure...
I live in Vancouver - pot is a must when you go through high school here. Was as normal as having a beer. One of the coolest experiences was with two of my very close friends - we ended up blazing whilst eating these huge ice cream cones - we walked across the street to one of the highschools in the area and decided that their long jump sand pits were a beach. We sat in our sandy beach for hours talking about random stuff and laughing our heads off with all the icecream running down our arms. It was a sweet regression to childhood. I miss them now. I left to go to school and it's just not the same. But. It was a blast while it lasted.
I smoked it exactly one time. And nothing happened. This was with my brother, too. Who is 6 years younger than me. I'm a HUGE square...

He keeps saying to try it again, but there hasn't been a good opportunity.

When I did, it was in broad daylight in the parking lot of a movie theater. Does that make it more exciting? :p
This is the only thing about me that's straight!

I don't smoke, "anything"!

I guess it was engrained in me NOT to do any kind of drugs when growing up and being in the military all those years; just didn't care for any of it...

Yep, another sad one here who doesn't go for the high of drugs; illegal ones, that is!! lol

No, I don't harp on others who toke or partake, but have to wonder if harder drugs are in their/your future after the mj doesn't do it's high as good any more???

Can any of you smokers tell us if you've gone onto other harder drugs as a result of smoking mj?

Just a thought on "IF" it leads to harder drugs??(*8*)(*8*):kiss::kiss:
i shouldnt think so, not unless you feel adrenaline, i do if there are ALOT of people around,,, sometimes the adrenaline and the thc can make some people badtrip, i like the rush, but i dont think youd wanna try around alot of people,,, not good.
I'm smokin one as I reply; } My fave's are blueberry & christmas tree. I live in a college town so it's prominent (along with other stuff), and alot of students grow hydro, which is pretty & smells good, but does not get u hi & is expensive as hell. And mj is illegal here in Alabama, but I was caught with a qtr oz at a traffic stop abt a year ago. All they did was confiscate my stash & sent me on my way.
I dont know if MJ leads to hard drugs for other people. I think its a matter of choice.

I was addicted to blow, speeds,mj, alcohol and some prescription stuff....i dont believe one lead to the other... addiction can be like opportunism, you take what you can get.

MJ isnt so harmful if you content yourself with just that and youre never curious about the rest. thats' what i do.
Tried it once but didn't like it.

There is a strong correlation between smoking marajuana and mental health problems (psychosis etc.), whether is exacerbates, or triggers, schizophrenia is an ongoing debate amongst psychiatrists.
Tried it once many years ago. A colleague [Teacher!] came over, had what he called "Great stuff, man!" and lit up. He got droopy-eyed and giggly in much the same way as I'd observed when he'd had a drink or two or three.
He finished it, rolled a fresh one, lit it, and passed it to me.
Following his intsructions on the proper procedure [I was so inexpeienced], I felt absolutely nothing. Tried again...nothing. The third try was notthe charm, either.
That was [too many] years ago.
Haven't tried it since.
Now alcohol? Don't get me started.
Been in recovery [thanks to AA] for 11 years.
M J once again? Nah, I'll pass, thanks very much.
Well, I used to smoke only a few times in the summers (at camp of course) and started when i was about 14. I never really smoked up at home because i didn't have a connection to get any. I actually don't smoke that much here at school either, simply because i haven't been invited as much as i'd like and i don't feel like inviting myself. I'd love to get some really quality shit and share it with people, but i still don't have a connection.

Oooh, also, the pipe i have, and occasionally use, is hand carved out of wood, and it was my mother's from when she was a huge hippie. gotta love that.
(*S*) I'm too sweet and innocent to do anything like that!!! O:) O:) O:)

(and of coure, in 20 years when I run for President and its discovered that I do smoke, I will have to say "I never inhaled.")