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You know your house isn't safe when...


The voice of one
JUB Supporter
Aug 5, 2004
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Los Angeles
it takes less than a minute to break into it yourself. Yep, that's right, less than a minute and I was in. I'd locked myself out when I went to get the mail and was pissed at first. Then I thought about and within a minute, I was inside again. Hell, sometimes it takes longer for me to get the lock to work. Anybody else have this? At my old house at least it required a screwdriver and about three minutes.
90% of burglars (or some such number) do their stealing from houses that aren't even locked. They'd rather not attract attention by making noise, breaking a window or jimmying a door. So even locking up properly helps a lot.
I always leave my bedroom window open. Mostly because I forget to close it, but also because I have a terrible fear of being locked out. But in a neighborhood like mine, where the houses are very close together and the neighbors are all nosey, I don't worry about it... a burglar would most likely kill himself trying to get across my room, messy as it is.

Our house has been broken into twice, and both times the burglar strolled in through an unlocked door, once while we were outside in the garden, once when we had run out to the store for fifteen minutes and forgot to lock up behind ourselves. Like slobone says, even the smallest of difficulties will deter the average household thief, who prefers unlocked doors and ground-floor windows concealed from the street and neighbors.

Of course, if you have enough goodies inside your house, or appear to have enough goodies, a thief will get in no matter how well you've locked up. So there's not much point in worrying about it. Nevertheless, if I were you, I'd beef up the lock system as an added deterrent, and make sure one of the neighbors has a spare set of keys, just in case you lock yourself out again.
My cousin, living in the same building as I do, used to always keep the key sticking in the lock on the outside after she locked the door. Turns out that the reason she locked the door was because her cat had figured out how to open it by jumping up and hanging on the door latch.

I would be in trouble if I lost my key. Once, coming back from vacation, I realized whilst sitting on the train from the airport, that my key was buried inside my backpack - the backpack that didn't arrive, because I had switched connecting flights at the last minute to get home earlier. I ended up sitting in a park all day waiting for my car parking to open (it was a holiday) so I could get at my spare key.
You could as we in South Africa do to protect our homes, use a combination of burglar alarms, burglar bars, security gates, and a strip of electric fencing above your perimeter garden walls! When they still do manage to get in, pray you are not at home as they usually come armed.

I remember when I was young we could leave our windows and doors open without bars and security gates. However, in the new SA "freedom" means "free to do crime".
You could as we in South Africa do to protect our homes, use a combination of burglar alarms, burglar bars, security gates, and a strip of electric fencing above your perimeter garden walls! When they still do manage to get in, pray you are not at home as they usually come armed.

I remember when I was young we could leave our windows and doors open without bars and security gates. However, in the new SA "freedom" means "free to do crime".

I don't think that I want to live there. You have some beautiful photos of your country but I just would not want to have to deal with that much crime. I thought that the fences around the entire development where I live was already a little excessive as it is. My development is gated as well. I would never put bars on my windows. I have thought about changing them to leaded glass windows but never bars.

Why don't the citizens get together and demand that the government enact stricter laws to cut down on the crime?... and enforce them, of course. If something like that was going on in my city, we would have a group of neighbors going down to the city council meetings to demand these things to change.
My old roommates were just broken into last week...good thing I don't live with them anymore!! Someone broke in during the middle of the day through the bars covering the windows:eek: I guess they were some cheap-ass bars...they were bent and ripped from the window casing. Both of them had their laptops stolen, a bike (and it was a sweet-ass mountain bike too:(), and some jewelry. And what really sucks is that neither of them had insurance, so they're out oodles of moulah and some irreplacible items.

Me? I got insurance after my other roommate that had moved out was broken into in the spring and had her laptop, digital camera, and ipod stolen. I hope I'm not next in line:(
My step sister had her place robbed, she had her door locked with atleast 3 different locks. They kicked in her door and robber her, on two seperate occasions.

In our old house we were robbed 3 times, last time it was a home invasion. We moved 2 1/2 weeks later.

And if they get caught, usually they get just a slap on the wrist.

Why can't we enforce the laws that are on the books and do away with plea bargains and such.
In the summer, my windows are open all day and the house is vulnerable.

I guess its safer in the winter.
You have to swipe 3 electronic key-card access points and use two different keys to get into my place... it's really amazing we still have burglaries in this building, but there are REALLY stupid people who live in this buildings and let outsiders in. Oh well, they deserve to be burglarized.
It's funny, when I am in my apartment, I keep the door locked. However, whe I go out, like to the store, I rarely lock the door.
Remember the old saying: "Locks weren't invented to keep out criminals, they were invented to keep the honest man honest."
my mates were having a party , and they live about 5 minutes away from town and they were having a huge party inside thier house and someone tried breaking in through the toilet window, thats just stupid lol, i sometimes worried when i hear a sound at like 3 in the morning in the house but its okay i got a good solid 2x4 in my bedroom
Well, I fixed the problem. Now I just have to make sure I don't lock myself out b/c the easy way in is no longer that easy. I tend to agree that all of the security in the world can still have flaws so I don't worry about it too much. I don't have that much stuff anyway. And really, I figure whatever is going to happen is going to happen.
Let them try to get in....I have motion sensors, pressure sensors in the floors, heat sensors, and glass breakage and door and window sensors ties into the alarm system with an emergency backup generator. I also have a surveilance system which can be monitored from any TV in the home. My locks are Medco high security locks, and a bypass smart key.
You sound like Maxwell Smart!
I'm from Wyoming and now live in Texas.

If someone breaks into my home, I pity the fucker.
