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Your most pathetic attempt at asking a guy out?


Who took my name? :/
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
Please put 'em here. It should be a good laugh for everyone.

I've only ever told a guy I wanted to do some stuff with him once... And it wasn't even asking him out... I was fucked on E and weed and told him:

1. He had the cutest ass I've ever seen
2. How I'd be willing to do stuff with him

Pretty bad... :(
Baah. That's not bad. You were rollin' and wanted some ass. Been there, done that.

I usually find myself rather pathetic when asking anyone out. ;(
All right, I'll spill, but it's not even remotely funny really. I was at a party with a bunch of maybe 12 other guys, and for once I was having a really good time, as was everybody else. There was this one guy there who was incredibly handsome, tall, kind of a Rock Hudson type.

Anyway, he was flirting with everybody there, including me, and was just generally the life of the party. Making jokes, playing with himself through his pants, stripping off his t-shirt and wiping his sweaty chest.

From a couple of things he said, I kind of got the impression that he really liked me. So a couple days later I gave him a call.

"Hi, who is it?"

"It's Slobone!... You remember, from the party?"

"Oh." Big disappointment. "What do YOU want?"

"Er, um, uh, I was wondering if maybe we could get together some time and uh.. er.. uh..."

"Sorry, I'm really busy right now."

"Oh, gee, I'm sorry to hear that because, oh, uh.... Well, bye."

"Bye." Click. :cry: :-({|= :cry:
Me - "I'm thinking of you and me rolling around naked together in my JAcuzzi"

Him - "You have a Jacuzzi?"

Me - "No, but we can pretend".

Him - "You're fucked"

Me - "So do I have to brag about more stuff I don't have or are you going to go out with me?"

Him - [bursts out laughing]

He DID go out with me, but it was boring and he took me to a shitty restaurant.
I was really drunk one time when a friend of mine stopped by my house.

I asked him if I could give him a blowjob.

He left.

BUT, he's still a friend of mine and, to my knowledge, hasn't told anyone else I know about the incident. He's always had a little bit of a ping on my gaydar, but he likes to brag about his heterosexual conquests. So, I don't know.

For example, a couple of days later, when I had apologized and said "I was just drunk" he bought me a case of beer and came back to my house to watch the game. But, I waited for him to give me some kind of signal that it would be ok to make a move again. He didn't.

We've shared hotel rooms since the incident, but neither he nor I made any moves on each other. The "ball", as it were, is in his court at this point.

I don't know if he's just not interested, not gay, or just scared.

All right, I'll spill, but it's not even remotely funny really. I was at a party with a bunch of maybe 12 other guys, and for once I was having a really good time, as was everybody else. There was this one guy there who was incredibly handsome, tall, kind of a Rock Hudson type.

Anyway, he was flirting with everybody there, including me, and was just generally the life of the party. Making jokes, playing with himself through his pants, stripping off his t-shirt and wiping his sweaty chest.

From a couple of things he said, I kind of got the impression that he really liked me. So a couple days later I gave him a call.

"Hi, who is it?"

"It's Slobone!... You remember, from the party?"

"Oh." Big disappointment. "What do YOU want?"

"Er, um, uh, I was wondering if maybe we could get together some time and uh.. er.. uh..."

"Sorry, I'm really busy right now."

"Oh, gee, I'm sorry to hear that because, oh, uh.... Well, bye."

"Bye." Click. :cry: :-({|= :cry:

That story is hilarios the way you tell it. It probably wasnt funny to you but i cracked up at "Bye Click" That must have been so embarassing lol.
I had a classic moment, much alcohol was involved. (I'm usually shy when I'm straight.)

I was chatting up a guy in a bar. Thought he was pretty fine. Decided to give him my number so we could meet up and go to the beach the next day. I asked him if he had something to write on. He gave me a fiver and I wrote " call me 555-1212". After taking back his fiver he walked over to the cigarette machine and put it and got a pack of smokes. Offered me a Camel and told me it was as close to "hump" from him as I was going to get.

Someone should have told me his boyfriend owned the bar we were in.
I was at a club in Portland with my ex. It was the holidays and we were visiting my family (we have a kid together so she and my daughter come to family events) and needed a break. We were just going out for a drink or two, not intending to hook up with anyone. I got up to go the bathroom.

Waiting in line to wash my hands, I noticed the supremely cute boy in front of me. He washed his hands, looked over at me, said something about my smile and I turned completely red. He then waited next to me while I washed my hands so that he could hand me a paper towel. The dispenser was jammed and he quickly fixed. He was such a good boy and all I could do was mumble a quiet "thanks" before wandering out the door.

I was way too tired and shy to do anything, but I should have at least complimented him on his manners.
All of the guys I've been with (save the my present BF) have asked me out.

I asked my BF out at Pride. After the parade, I gave him one of the coupons we had been giving out... "I know it's tacky and unoriginal (he had already received one), but in case you ever get bored..."

Then my friends dragged me away because another friend was about to dance on stage 5 blocks away.