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"10 Cool Things About Squirrels."


In Memory of Shaun
In Loving Memory
JUB Supporter
Jun 12, 2004
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The Washington Post

10 Cool Things About Squirrels

Monday, September 25, 2006; C13

1. Squirrels belong to the order Rodentia. There are 365 species.

2. They mate twice a year.

3. Their nests are called dreys.

4. Their sweat glands are on their feet.

5. They can run 20 miles an hour.

6. Their teeth never stop growing. Gnawing keeps squirrels' teeth from growing into their necks.

7. When frightened, they dart back and forth to confuse predators. This doesn't work with cars, however, so most city squirrels don't live longer than a year.

8. Although considered granivores (animals that eat grains and nuts), they will eat almost anything.

9. Gray squirrels bury their acorns all over the place ("scatter hoarding"), then forget where. Forgotten acorns become trees. This forgetfulness is the main way oak and other hardwood forests grow and spread, scientists say.

10. Gray squirrels are called "living fossils" because they haven't changed much in 37 million years.

(*8*) (*8*)

11. They are all over my backyard.

12. They eat all of my fruit, the japanese maple leaves, and some of the flowers on my trees....which I don't mind.

13. They like to play. When my food dish for them empty's they sometimes sratch at my french door to let me know.
14. There used to be red squirrels in the UK until the grey squirrels (brought over from America) killed them all off.

15. Grey squirrels are legally vermin in the UK, if captured they must be destroyed.

16. The word "squirrels" rhymes with squiggles and is spelt differently to the word yatch.
17. They have caught on to Chav fashion and enjoy nothing more than "gaming"

18. Squirrels are so damn cute and I never knew some of this information about them before. Thanks.
10 leash laws

9. Free penthouse apartment in any part of town.

8. birds get the blame when you shit on a car

7. strong breeze + high tree limb = wild free ride

6. today's forgoten food is tomorrows house

5. don't have the same seedy reputation as your lowlife rat cousin's

4. don't get shoved into guys asses like those poor bastard gerbils.

3. tree limbs and power lines offer excellent views into windows.

2. you can watch people sunbathe all day long.

1. it's ok to get a nut off a stranger in the park...|
Just because she'd Greek doesn't mean she's... yeh it does. =]

I remember fondly as a youth braiding her back hair. Those were the days!
And Beatrix Potter made the most wonderful book about a squirrel called Nutkin, which was then name od our seaside house when I was younger
And Beatrix Potter made the most wonderful book about a squirrel called Nutkin, which was then name od our seaside house when I was younger

Was he any relation to Terry Nutkins by any chance?

Sorry guys, but I don't think they are very cute.

They have done considerable damage to my home by chewing through my roof vents, causing the roof to now leak. They have gnawed the majority of the facia boards on the front exterior of my house, causing them to rot. And if that's not enough, they have dug up all my planters and destroyed most if not all of my landscaping!

We can't leave the garage door open for even a few minutes without them getting inside and carrying something they "deem important" out. My pool cage as well as my neighbors' have been chewed through so many times we have stopped counting.

So your furry little friends better beware cause I have waged an all out war on the local squirrel population. I will keep you informed on my "10 cool ways to get rid of squirrels" list shortly.

Do I sound bitter?????????
Sorry guys, but I don't think they are very cute.

They have done considerable damage to my home by chewing through my roof vents, causing the roof to now leak. They have gnawed the majority of the facia boards on the front exterior of my house, causing them to rot. And if that's not enough, they have dug up all my planters and destroyed most if not all of my landscaping!

We can't leave the garage door open for even a few minutes without them getting inside and carrying something they "deem important" out. My pool cage as well as my neighbors' have been chewed through so many times we have stopped counting.

So your furry little friends better beware cause I have waged an all out war on the local squirrel population. I will keep you informed on my "10 cool ways to get rid of squirrels" list shortly.

Do I sound bitter?????????

I'm sorry to hear that they have caused so much damage. I don't know why the squirrels would want to do such things. They must find it tasty? There is an easy way to get rid of squirrels. There is a product called:
Shake Away. It is made out of Fox Urine, which is a natural enemy of squirrels. My neighbors used it around there pool when they started to dig around it and it worked immediately. There are tons of places that sell it. Just do a quick search on the internet for:

Shake Away Fox Urine
this thread remind me an email from a guy at work. He got attacked by a squirrel during lunch time, I thought he was
They remind me of my fav - Chip & Dale. Probably I would freak out if one struggles in my hand to escape, but still, Chip & Dale make squirrels looked so cool and funny.
Where do they get the 'fox urine' from, I wonder?

I have a horrible suspicion that it's likely to be a by-product of the disgusting farmed fox-fur trade.

The animals are brought into shelters where they are fed and watered. The floors on these shelters are sloped to collect the waste into collection bins. When the animals eliminate the waste is collected in those bins. The manufacturer explains that the animals are treated with utmost care.
Per the request of a JUBer. Here are a couple of the squirrels that call my backyard home. :)





The most that I have ever noticed at one time is 13, not including the other animals that like to frequent...bunnies, tons of birds, etc. And lots of wildlife on the hill behind the fence and in the creek.
19. Squirrels can be trained to drive taxis.

20. Coyotes near LA have been observed holding squirrel-eating contests.
There are also Black Squirrels! :) They are also cute (and pretty rare from what I have read).
