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Fratmen Max is sexy to death!


Feb 1, 2009
Reaction score
Cole and Tucker are no longer at the pad but they have a new pledge Ari who is a middle age bear with a thick middle eastern accent if that interests you.
Cole was very popular but he didn't make it to season four. Taj was very popular but he didn't make it to season four. Tucker was very popular but he didn't make it to season four. Max, Taylor, Jayden, Chase, Shay, Ty, and Leo are in season four (all of them were also in season three).
I must agree with you, Matthew...Max is my favorite current Pad man.

JJJ, what's the reason for the seasons if the same guys are there from one to the next [esp. Leo] ;)
JJJ, what's the reason for the seasons if the same guys are there from one to the next [esp. Leo] ;)

Season Three was almost a totally new cast from Season Two. Most had been pledges during Two and came back as full time Actives for Three. I imagine school and work schedules back home dictate who is going to be in the next season.
OK, since I'm kinda at the end of my last nerve and don't work for Fratmen anymore, I can ask you what drugs you're on.

Ari is 21. If that's middle aged, I'm dead.

And he doesn't have a middle eastern accent, he's got a very thick New York accent because that's where he's from.

If you'd pop your head out of your ass maybe you'd know that.

No, he's not a clone of all the other guys... he's got a more manly vibe and no.. he's not white. But he's younger than Spencer was when he started at the pad almost 3 years ago and younger than Taylor is now. And Leo. And I think 10 other men who've been at the pad.

Please stop being... like that.
I guess it all depends on what we have in mind as our ideal Fratmen: I remember finding Joe "old" when he did the Alumni Weekend 3, when he was just as juicy if not slightly better than in his previous two videos, only with longer hair which I hate and took from his looks some of the "freshness" I love in the fratguys.
He was 26, he was making one of the hottest videos in my entire porn collection and I remember finding him... "old" because of the damn hair.
In fact, I often find that some of them would look better like five years older: very very few guys reach his prime in his early twenties; and lately they are all little dark-haired pokemo clones of each others: just take a look again at the homepage. That Vinnie, please: he's cute and little, and I can't help thinking of him as some Benjamin Button version of a character in The Sopranos.

It's also curious how people from different countries and ethnicities or, even more curious, different generations in a particular nation, can look older or younger at the same age: I remember that teachers or people in general in Spain twenty years ago would say that students at college age looked too much like kids when compared with immediate previous generations, who looked more like full (however young) men and women. Now, on the contrary, it is said that the younger generations look, maybe not "older", but have a less "flimsy" look. Amazing what different food and living conditions can do in breeding :roll:

Also, it amuses me, about Fratmen as well as about the American college guys I have met in real life, how I very often happen to look at them and relate to the looks older men with their features have in their forties or even older. I mean that I have always seen men like, say, Kelan or Vinnie as real men with a life, business, family... and it's funny to see how they look and what their lives are at college age, when they are not kids any more ( :rolleyes: ) but they are not real men yet either.

As for Max, I've hated his face and expression from the moment he was featured as the "welcoming Fratman", and never found his body that special. Maybe he looks better noe, but I prefer a dumbfrat like Dale as long as he has that curvy, tight, smooth, whitie body :mrgreen:
I havent seen to many Fratmen videos but I saw Max nad Payne a while back. It seems like Max's body has changed for the better. He seemed to me like one of those guys that had a big upper body but a skinny lower half. and I remember thinking he has kind of a flat ass compared to Payne. But now he seems to have filled out and is really proportionate. His face looks like it filled out a little too. He is def one of the hottest though
OK, since I'm kinda at the end of my last nerve and don't work for Fratmen anymore, I can ask you what drugs you're on.

Ari is 21. If that's middle aged, I'm dead.

I'm sorry, Jasun, but if you're going to make this thread about Ari, we'll have to move it over into the Daddies, Bears, and Chasers forum. [-X

Well, it seems that Max went into something like the metamorphosis that Ricky went through... but I still prefer Ricky's body and scruffy (and I hate scruffy!) face :mrgreen:
I can see both sides...but it kinda seems like unnecessary drama. If a guy is just leaving it would be easier to say he's moved on by choice...thus saving all the model's loyalist from starting more drama. If he's being booted just say..."Bitch could pick up his shit."

Watching the video and hearing some of the replies the guys give, it's obvious that there are some regulars who are WAY into the guys.

good thought, Matthew........

BTW, are you talking about members being way into the guys or the guys being into each other???
^ So it's true what they say: happily partnered couples need toys, and porn and all that stuff to keep being glued together... :mrgreen:

And you hire whores to keep your sexual life alive only that, unlike genuine johns like me, you need to keep the whores behind a screen :rolleyes:
Hahaha I love when that guy started talking in a gay queeny voice. That was funny.

I remember hearing someone tell me that they're straight, not really into each other, and it's just an act.
I think the guys get a long real good and are comfortable playing the game. Well...most are anyway. In the Max video he didn't seem to fond of a former model named Kermie (?)...he said the guy was okay but he said off camera the guy was homophobic.

Max's sense of humor is often misunderstood. Calvin (known to his friends as "Kermie") is anything but homophobic. Kermie is a fratpad legend because of how he quickly embraced the members and became a fan favorite. I hope he comes back as an alumnus soon!
What exactly is this site about? From what you guys describe it almost sounds like a reality show online or something. I thought it was just a straight guys in gay porn themed site but I guess I was wrong.
Max's sense of humor is often misunderstood. Calvin (known to his friends as "Kermie") is anything but homophobic. Kermie is a fratpad legend because of how he quickly embraced the members and became a fan favorite. I hope he comes back as an alumnus soon!

But then again, we don't know what these guys are like behind the cameras.
I went on the site and saw a preview video. They house they live in is pretty cool and nice. I'm guessing the site generates a lot of money if the owners an afford to have them living in a house like that.

As for them all being straight, I'm not going to argue it but there is being comfortable with your sexuality but I don't think it's a far cry to say that some of them are gay, bi or confused.
There is nudity and some sensual interraction which is a bonus as far as I am concerned. The guys are hot, and of varying different physical looks and personality types. For many; the nudity and eroticism of the site is like a photoshoot or prerecorded video "come to life", making it more intimate and vital.

I hope this helps.


The duos seem to be pushing the end of the envelop more and more lately. In the ones with Jayden and Taylor (inc'l their one together) they do everything but . . . They kiss, suck, play with toys . . . Seems like the transition from dildo to dick would be an easy one.

Taylor, Jayden, and possibly Max seem to be using the pad as a vehicle to open up their sexual horizons and get a nice pay-day into the bargain. Would love to see Taylor take Max's big hose. Somethin' tells me he'd love it:sex:
The only good things about Fratpad seem to be naked young hunks strutting their meat while still sober... of alcohol; but, in any case, goofy guys are always a turn off... HUGE.
IMO Max has the greatest personality in the pad.

I am not even paying attention to his body anymore. He's just a nice person to be friend with.