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job title: Economists


JUB 10k Club
Nov 8, 2007
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Is there such a job as the economist ?
What is their daily duty ?

I know what an accountant daily duty is
but what is an economist daily duty?
i never saw an economist on TV before.
I don't thing there is such a job called "the economist". :)
Is there such a job as the economist ?
What is their daily duty ?

I know what an accountant daily duty is
but what is an economist daily duty?

HA.... no such job as an economist, not as far as I know.

There are professors of economics, and I once took a course in highscool about ecomomics... and my buddy takes a class in college called Economics 101....

But there is not a job category that is called 'economist'.
Oh, but there are.
There are even civil service positions for Economists.
They are, I assume, people who handle lots of economic data well.
For instance, in a county that is intensively agricultural, there would be a great demand for such a person, just as there would be a demand for weather data.
Financial institutions of every variety have similar demands for Economists.
Real Estate Economics is a thriving specialty.
i thought economists look at stock markets all day and writing poetry about finance. :)
I've always thought of an economist, in general, as an expert in economics. Now this term, to me, is inclusive of any related profession to include private, government, and academics. Anyone working inside the many field of economics or holds a degree in this subject is an economist really. Economists continually study trends in the economy, formulating economic theory, overseeing economic policy, and such. The general responsibilities become more specialized in specific job fields.
We used to call people like that 'fortune tellers'.

Economists where everywhere during the internet bubble, advising people to invest in venture capital. When the bubble burst, they said that they had known this would happen all along.

After that they weren't nearly as common. I guess that must be the reason they're not getting lynched at this moment.

Economists are the kind of people you ask: "If you're so smart, how come you ain't rich?". They're meagre, balding men who wear sports coats with leather elbow patches.

Some of 'em are billionaires, Harke. You have to have the right sensitivity at the right time for that. And no, it doesn't matter what their politics is; some people just have very good hunches about where to put their money. Studying economics can help.

But, to the original question, "Economist," as a profession very often involves being familiar with the economic trends of a specific geographical sub-region.
It might be called something else in Australia, and other places. I think it is called that or something very similar in California.