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Masc dude on outside but not in needs help!

Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
I'm a masculine bi-dude with a serious girlfriend. I love chicks but I also get way turned on by dudes. I come off as a guys guy but inside I am extremely feminine as far as interests and what not. I LOVE to suck cock!!!! I hate my body hair as well! I told my g/f a few years ago and she freaked so I haven't brought it up since. I have been with guys and it was great and I'd love to do it more but I certainly don't want to break up with her. I also don't feel like telling her again because it was kind of shitty. A lot of time I even wish I was a female. The thought of being wanted and lusted after, wearing make up and having implants and long nails really turns me on. Sorry to dump this on all of you but it kind of felt nice to get it off my chest and everyone here is super nice and understanding. I'd love some advice on how to handle this. Thanks! mwah!
well, how long can you keep dating a girl like this? Maybe it's time to switch to guys at some point, sounds like it's the true calling.
Well, glad that you were able to get that off your chest.

There really isn't advice to be given here if you're happy with these fantasies and your double life.

If you aren't happy then you should consider seeing a therapist to sort all of this out. Unfortunately, gender dysphoria is a very complicated issue and is beyond what can be rsolved in a forum such as this.
I'm a masculine bi-dude with a serious girlfriend. I love chicks but I also get way turned on by dudes. I come off as a guys guy but inside I am extremely feminine as far as interests and what not. I LOVE to suck cock!!!!

There's nothing feminine about being attracted to men and engaging in sexual activities with men. Furthermore, sexuality has nothing to do with gender identity.

I hate my body hair as well! I told my g/f a few years ago and she freaked so I haven't brought it up since.

I don't understand. What's the problem? Shave your body. Again, there are many men who shave themselves, and it has nothing to do with their sexualities.

I have been with guys and it was great and I'd love to do it more but I certainly don't want to break up with her. I also don't feel like telling her again because it was kind of shitty.

I think you have answered this for yourself. If you feel the need to pursue men, communicate that idea with your girlfriend. If she's okay with it, your problem is solved. If she does not find this idea acceptable, either you break up with her and pursue men, or you stay with her and put men on the backburner.

A lot of time I even wish I was a female. The thought of being wanted and lusted after, wearing make up and having implants and long nails really turns me on. Sorry to dump this on all of you but it kind of felt nice to get it off my chest and everyone here is super nice and understanding. I'd love some advice on how to handle this. Thanks! mwah!

That's a separate issue altogether. Personally, I would tell my girlfriend of this fantasy, or possible fetish, so that she is not surprised. However, dressing in drag and the fantasy of being a female is completely separate from being attracted to men.
thanks for the help everyone, it just felt good to talk about it. My liking of men has nothing to do with my wanting to be fem. It's two separate things. It's just two major things i have to hide
I can't imagine staying with someone who freaked out and made a big deal about something like shaving off body hair. It's your body, and if you want to shave it, she should be supportive of that.

Just how controlling is this woman? And how trapped are you from being able to explore your feelings and fantasies?
My liking of men has nothing to do with my wanting to be fem. It's two separate things. It's just two major things i have to hide

Exactly. Sexual orientation and gender identity are very separate things- even though everyone tends to lump them together.

Your sexuality is something that will be easier to deal with. Western culture is more accepting of same-sex experimentation.

Unfortunately, gender confusion is not as accepted and much more of a challenge to work through. This is why I recommended that you work with a therapist to find out whether these thoughts and impulses are transient or whether you do have true Gender Identity Disorder.