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Questions about the gay movie "A Beautiful Thing".

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I have a few questions about the movie (which I just saw ten minutes ago).
So, I am cinematically challenged (severely) and finish every movie with more questions than anwers. I'd really appreciate any answers you guys may be able to give me:

1. At the end, did Jamie's mother make the decision to move?

I was unsure of that. It seemed as if she decided to take the job and move (and take both Jamie and Ste with her?). Is that why Ste felt brave enough to be open (because he never had to go home again)?
I never got what Jamie's mom was trying to say when she was comforting Ste.
Or did she turn down the job? It seemed like she was agonizing.

2. How did Leah know that Jamie and Ste had "gotten it on"?

She threatened Ste and Jamie in the party to let out their secret. Was she bluffing? She saw Ste slip out in the morning, but how did that arouse her suspicion?

3. What did the teacher tell Jamie's mother that caused her to go looking through his stuff (and find the gay magazine and vandalized schoolbooks)?

Did Leah's big mouth at the party start rumors in school?

4. Did Ste's father and brother beat him because they had suspicions? Or were they just generally abusive?

5. Why did Jamie's mother dump her boyfriend?

That came out of the blue. She sort of took him for granted as far as I know.

6. Why did Leah (the black girl) hate him?

7. Was there ever any mention of what happened to Ste's mother? Or Jamie's father?

You'd think I didn't see the movie, but I just finished seeing it. This is how I always am after movies--sadly.
I thin you should see the movie if you have not already.
I'd appreciate any answers you may have.
1. I think that was implied.

2. Sondra told her that Jamie and Ste slept "top to toe". Jamie told her Ste slept on the couch. She deduced it.

3. The teacher told Sondra that Jamie was getting picked on a lot at school and was being teased to no end.

4. They were just generally abusive.

5. He seemed more interested in Leah.

6. I don't know.

7. They never said.
Wow! Thank you so much DevinO!
I have one more question though (won't make it a habit):

Did the movie have a sex scene at all?

From what I saw, it seemed to be only implied (they showed the beginning kiss, and the wake-up in the morning, but nothing inbetween). However, some reviews seem to imply that a simulated scene did happen.
(Or am I misinterpreting the word "snog"?--as in "snogging on camera")
No problem. The version I have doesn't have a sex scene. Perhaps there was a scene cut out? It was a cute movie.
I loved this film - closest thing I had to gay porn when I was growing up. One of the best bits (Other then seeing Ste's arse) was when Jamies' mum turns up at a party and tells Leah:

"A leapord never changes its spots and a slapper never changes her knickers."

turning to sniggering onlooker

"Go and have a wank big bollocks"

Been awile since I last saw the movie but I think this is how it went. Power to the protective mother!
1st time I watched - I was a teen, I did not get it.

2nd time I watched years later - I began to grasp a little.

3rd time I watched, I shed tears. (That conversation between the mom and Jamie in his room).
These kinds of films almost leave me depressed--not because of the social message or anything--but simply because I get too wrapped up in the story.
Other people cry and go on--I don't cry (I never feel to), but after the movie, I keep playing it in my head over and over again.
It doesn't help that Ste and Jamie are both too convincing in their roles--and the music is suitably retro (and thus even more depressing, since they always shoot the last scene in the evening, with the plot ending uncertain: Jamie moving etc.).
The amorphous time in which the film was shot was also depressing--the early nineties, when people were making the transition from the eighties.

I think the sex is implied. I just didn't know the proper meaning fo the word "to snog". That makes it even more depressing, simply because you'er left to think.
Some people like that.
Anyways, I'll get over it.

I must say, though, that unlike other examples of gay film I have seen, this one truly deserves its praise. Not because of its "message", but because of its "convincing" portrayal.

Another movie I think had a similar depressing aftertaste (for a host of other reasons-some similar to Beautiful Thing): "Catholic Boys" or "Heaven Help Us"--the same movie. They also had a retro music theme (set in the sixties) and they made good use of "My Girl".
It's not a gay film, but incidentally, one of the actors (the one I liked best, but the least developed of the main characters) went on to become a porn star as his career spiralled downwards. His name was Stephen Geoffreys:

Anyway, "Jamie" is no longer an actor. Wikipedia says he's selling cars. He retired in 2003.
"Ste" is still an actor, but isn't currently doing anything major. He had two stints on the British police drama "The Bill", where he played--of all things--a "confused" police officer.
I only recently saw the movie myself, and found it very touching but also a little bit irritating. People who fall in love and have it reciprocated first time out of the box get up my nose. But I think the questions you pose are interesting.
1. At the end, did Jamie's mother make the decision to move?
I believe she did, and that's why they were going out to celebrate. She would probably let Jamie bring Ste along to get him out of his abusive home. And their sense of freedom, that they never had to go back to that place, let them show their love publically. I think the whole point of the piece was that if you can't be who you are where you are, go somewhere else for your freedom and give the locals the bird on your way out.
2. How did Leah know that Jamie and Ste had "gotten it on"?
Girls know. At first, though, I think she guessed, that she was indeed bluffing; but their reaction confirmed her guess.

3. What did the teacher tell Jamie's mother that caused her to go looking through his stuff (and find the gay magazine and vandalized schoolbooks)?...Did Leah's big mouth at the party start rumors in school?
The teacher probably told her about the books being vandalized, so she went to see for herself. She seemed to me to have a horror of being not told things; and mothers will instinctively search their childrens' rooms when they discover there's something going on about which they had been entirely ignorant.

And you'll remember that the rumors at school had started long before Leah shot off her mouth... it probably implicated Ste in the rumors, but Jamie had been tagged as a fag before the movie even started.

4. Did Ste's father and brother beat him because they had suspicions? Or were they just generally abusive?
I think they were generally abusive people; but there was something girlish and pretty about Ste that I expect pissed them off... he was sort of a surrogate girl in their household, and so they treated him as such, yet they also expected him to be a man. For stupid people, such contradictions in their own heads confuse them and make them angry.

5. Why did Jamie's mother dump her boyfriend?
Because he was a distraction. He was a leftover from her old boozing and partying lifestyle; with the move and the new responsibilities, I think she wanted to concentrate on her pub and her son, and so she had to let the boyfriend go. Which was sad, because I think he really loved her.

6. Why did Leah (the black girl) hate him?
One of the key issues about the boyfriend was his class. You have to be kind of familiar with English class prejudices to have caught this, but his "toff" Oxbridge accent marked him as an outsider and made his motives suspect. People of his class are supposed to be affluent and to stay in their own part of London, and anyone who hangs out in the outlying areas is considered to be slumming, and therefore condescending.

7. Was there ever any mention of what happened to Ste's mother? Or Jamie's father?
No, I don't remember any. One assumes Jamie's father must have died, since he is never mentioned; Ste's mother might have died or might have just left. Hard to say.

I think I'll watch the movie again and see what else I can bring from it. Your questions make me wonder what else I might have missed.
Thanks, Robert-Marlene!
It was a very convincing movie although it is hardly realistic. I just like the setting in he council flats etc.
"Trainspotter" has similar setting--very different to the "English garden" thing.
Robert.. thanks so much.

I never understood that ending. I thought it was a sweet movie, but I never got wht the fuck was going on at the end.
2. How did Leah know that Jamie and Ste had "gotten it on"?

Its been awhile since I've seen the movie, but I believe Leah said she heard something. If I remember correctly, she was Jamie's neighbor. I seem to remember something about her making a comment about the walls being "paper thin". I assume her bedroom and Jamie's bedroom shared the same wall, she heard them going at it, and when she saw Ste sneaking out the next morning, she put 2 and 2 together.

The sex was not shown, it was impied. They mentioned two things, snoging and frottage. Snoging is kissing/cuddling, I think frottage is similar to humping with clothes on.

Its such a great movie, I think I'll go watch it again :)
Its been awhile since I've seen the movie, but I believe Leah said she heard something. If I remember correctly, she was Jamie's neighbor. I seem to remember something about her making a comment about the walls being "paper thin". I assume her bedroom and Jamie's bedroom shared the same wall, she heard them going at it, and when she saw Ste sneaking out the next morning, she put 2 and 2 together.

The sex was not shown, it was impied. They mentioned two things, snoging and frottage. Snoging is kissing/cuddling, I think frottage is similar to humping with clothes on.

Its such a great movie, I think I'll go watch it again :)
The only thing is that I think she wasn't home at all that night--because when she saw Ste sneak out, she had just come up the stairs all dressed up as if she had been out.

Maybe she left later that night, or early in the morning and came home just in time to see him leave.
That is my favorite movie. The ending is SO sweet. I'm a man, 40 years old, and I STILL get teary eyed at the end when they are dancing together. On a side note, did you know that the exterior apartment shots are the SAME apartment complex that was used 20 some years earlier in the movie "A Clockwork Orange". Interesting that two completely different movies could have a connection.
Grate flick...........Thanks everyone, especially wentworth, -4- reminding me how much I luv that show
One other thing:
What did Jamie's mother ask him after he came back from the gay pub in this sequence--

Sandra: Had a nice time, Jamie?

Jamie: Yeah

Sandra:"Got any pictures?" or was it "Got a few pitchers?" <== There, I don't know what she said there.

Jamie: Yeah.

Sandra: What, with Ste?

Jamie: Yeah.

Sandra: This is no time for lying Jamie.

Jamie: That is not a lie!
Do you know what she said?
Just finished watching this movie at 9pm and loved it...I was hoping for the guys to stay only confused at the end when they are dancing because i wanna know if they stay together and move away together or if that is the last hurrah, and they part ways. I was a good movie, and I love the Mama Cass music..
Just finished watching this movie at 9pm and loved it...I was hoping for the guys to stay only confused at the end when they are dancing because i wanna know if they stay together and move away together or if that is the last hurrah, and they part ways. I was a good movie, and I love the Mama Cass music..

Unfortunately, the movie doesn't show that. You have to draw your own conclusions. One would assume that Sandra takes Ste with her and Jamie, since he can't really go home anymore, especially after dancing with Jamie. I alays did love that movie, it was probabluy one of the best coming of age movies I've seen